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The next day I had the strangest feeling to go outside. You can see the peaks of the mountains in my backyard screaming for attention.

I walk back inside after nothing new happened. I don't know why I expected more than the usual dog barking and bird tweeting.

Just go back to your Oreos! They except you...

Someone knocks at the front door. I look through the peep hole before opening it. I'm met with the most beautiful dark eyes I've seen. They look familiar. I remember the sad look the eyes held they other day when I said he was wrong. The eyes belong to the naked guy! Thankfully he is wearing clothes today as far as I can tell.

I open the door expecting the worst.

"I want to apologize. I did not mean to scare you yesterday, I was simply surprised." He looks confused and held back by something. He sticks a hand out for me to shake. "My name is--" I cut him by slamming the door in his face. "Please let me explain! I know why you're not happy with Luke..." the naked guy says through the door.

How does he know about Luke? How does he know where I live? Why is he here?!

I open the door and I stick my finger in naked guys face. "Listen here you creep! Don't come see me again! You shouldn't know where I live! And muttering "mate" while approaching me is a big turn off so leave me alone." I don't hear what he has to say because I can read it all on his face.

He looks so upset while I close the door. I know I've never seen him before but something for a second inside me seems torn that I didn't listen to him. It only lasted a second though then I return to my normal sane self who doesn't fall for creeps. He didn't look like a creep though. He just acted like one. He had gentle eyes and a toned jaw. His dark brown hair perfectly matches his brown eyes.

There was that feeling again of something upsetting.... no you just want attention.

My mom comes into the kitchen where I am search for my box of trusty Oreos. I should find carrots or something but I need to feed my addiction.

"Mom, where are my -" the empty box of Oreos on the counter tells it all. "Noooooooo...." I wail dramatically. I grab the box and hold it to my chest. "You will be forever missed." I try to make it more dramatic by fake crying but I just end up rubbing my eyes.

"There's another box." My Mom points over my shoulder, showing a new box of Oreos. I gasp upon the sight.

Just like that, the old box is forgotten and carelessly dropped into the trash. I lunge for the Oreos making a dent in the package.

"You know your going to get fat!" My sister mocks. She tries to insult me but fail horribly.

"I'm fat and I'm proud!" I yell in her face.

"Take it back a notch...geez" Rylee, my sister, walks away displeased that I didn't take offense to her comment. Sisters...

"Who was at the door?" My Mom asks grabbing an Oreo.

"Nobody." I lie. "Someone doorbell ditched." I didn't want to lie, what if the guy came back? What if... I should tell her but something holds me back from forming the basic words I need to say.

"Oh okay, I heard you talking so..." she leads on suspecting that I'm lying.

"Uh, you must have heard Rylee." I lie again. Why can't I say the truth? It's not like I want to protect this guy.

"Okay then. But who ever he is, he is very attractive..." my mom winks. No.... just no... . So she did see him.

I shake my head not knowing how to respond. My mom leaves the kitchen, heading towards the study.

I grab my phone and call Natalie. She doesn't answer but I call again and on the third ring she picks up.

"Guess who showed up at my door..." I manage to say even though I couldn't say it before to my mom.

"Weirdo." She guesses.

"Yeah... how did you--"

"Im talking to him right now! He's very nice." She giggles. I bet she is flirting.

"Where are you?!"

"In your front yard."

I open the front door and look to see Natalie and the weirdo chatting.

I walk up to Natalie and grab her arm ready to pull her inside. I think they are talking about dogs or animals or something. I didn't stay to listen.

My wallet appears in front of me as I start to pull Natalie away.

"You dropped this yesterday. That's how I know where you live." He says roughly. My cheeks go red with embarrassment.

"Oh... thanks." I take my wallet from his extended hand.

"Im sorry when you saw me yesterday. I didn't realize there was a trail there and I was camping so I was going to take a shower...." He explains. Something was off and I wanted to go inside. I bet he is lying about the camping. I'm not very good at figuring out lies.

"I understand." I hesitate to say more, to question him. Something about him draws me to him but I keep my distance. Why should I be drawn to him? Just because he's the most attractive person you've seen in a while doesn't mean that you should ignore your instincts! "Next time you meet someone in the woods, don't say 'mate', it's creepy."

"I didn't think I had said something." He denies. Natalie stares back and forth between weirdo guy and I.

"I have a something I have to ask your mom." Natalie hurries off into my house giving me a thumbs up that weirdo guy doesn't notice.

"She seems nice." Weirdo mentions. "Are you guys good friends?"

"Yes, very good friends." I start tapping my leg. I often tap my leg when I start to feel unsettled.

"My Bet- I have a good friend like that." He smiles. I can't help but smile in return.

"I know we don't know each other at all," he pauses."but I would love to get to know you." I can feel my heart in my throat while he continues. "Would you join me for dinner?"

Is he asking me out on a date? The word yes just slips out of my mouth without hesitation. I wish it hadn't. My gut is telling me that it isn't a good idea.

"What about Chick-fil-A?" He offers. "Tonight at 5?" It's 1:00 now so in four hours.

"Sounds good. I'll meet you there." I say uncomfortable. I start to walk to the house before I turn back around to him. "I never got your name."

"Dylan." He gives a charming smile and walks to his car that's parked in the street.

I walk inside in a daze and find Natalie in my room.

The walls of my bedroom are white and the dark floor travels to the ensuite.

She is fooling around with my makeup. "What was that? Why did you start talking to him?" I demand answers.

"Are you guys going out? I was watching from the window." I roll my eyes. She always ignores my questions.

"Yes we're going out." I take my beauty blender out of her hands. "All because of you." I say accusingly.

"Your welcome!" She doesn't even realize how unsettling this is for me.

My Broken Mate (Discontinued Until Further Notice)Where stories live. Discover now