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"Your okay. Your okay. Okay. Okay..." I say curling into a ball on the grass. I close my eyes tired.

"You should remember next time. Every time you kill someone you are going to spend a day in here. If you continue then we're going to let Sam take over." He smirks. "I'm sure you remember." He runs his hand gently across my bare leg.

My eyes open. I tear up thinking of it. I try to block it out. To remember everything I used to love. My wolf isn't helping. She won't back down. When I saw Dylan...

Dylan wanted me to go back to with him. My wolf stayed in control as she said few words. He knows I'm bitten. He doesn't know what I have been through.

A crumple of leaves behind me has me on my feet in a second and ready to attack. My wolf carefully surveys the small area.

Dylan's sister steps out from the trees. She has a blanket in her arms. I back away as she places it down on the floor. My human side wants to remember her name while my wolf just want to... kill her. She only sees threats. That's all she knows.

"I know..." I step back as walks forward. She stops and backs up. "I know I can't help you. Or what they've done... but please. Here is a blanket." She says sweetly. I can almost feel my wolf retreating but something else clicks and she still stands in front.

I don't growl or anything as Dylan's sister walks off. I go to the blanket. Dylan's scent strongly covers it.

I wrap the large blanket around my shoulders. The warmth of it bringing me little comfort. I don't fall asleep. The moon keeps me company as I wait for morning.

I let the blanket stay where it is before I run off to find breakfast. I see a deer who is happily grazing. I get ready to attack but a rogue intercepts my hunt. I jump on top of the shifted rogue sinking my fangs into his throat. I kill him in a second and I'm next after the deer.

The deer doesn't get far despite knowing the territory. I quickly finish my hunt and start to pick apart the deer near the ribs.

I only eat so much since I've been used to being starved these last months. The thought of food at first made me nauseous. I forced myself to eat so I didn't die. That was after I begged for death. Death. It sounds so pleasant after being...

I toss the meat aside finished. The uncooked taste was becoming normal to my tastebuds.

"V--" I turn around and growl at Dylan. I can smell he's alone. "Vivian... I'm sorry--"

"Don't talk to her!" My wolf yells at him. "You did this!"

"I didn't--" he says slowly. "What did they do?"

My wolf was angry by that question expecting him to know. She knows by my own memories that he did this to me. To us. She doesn't get closer but louder. "What didn't they do! They stuck her in her worst conditions to test her! SHE ISNT NORMAL AND SHE NEVER WILL BE! YOU MADE HER ONE OF YOU!"

I can't stop her as she speaks the truth.

"I'm sorry..." he apologizes.

"You don't even know what your sorry for." My wolfs bites out. "Don't look for her. Don't think of her. Think like she rejected you, because that's how you made her feel."

Words just kept leaving my mouth. I don't know exactly what my wolf is talking about but the idea got across and not only to me.

I haven't seen Dylan cry, and I wish i still hadn't. He leaves before more than half a tear wells up in his eye.

His scent is to soon to gone. I wish my wolf didn't send him away. He cared about me and I need that. I need more than my wolf for protection.

I look down at the blood and dirt that's covers every inch of me. I find a large water source and dip in. I use my hands to scrub away as much as I can.

I dip my head under. Hands grab onto my shoulders and keeps my head down. They lift my head up but only to smash it against a rock.


I watch as she fights the rogue in the shallow river. She told me to stay away so that's what I was doing but I heard the rogue and I wanted to see if she was alright.

The rogue is in human form and takes Vivian by her shoulders and hits Vivian's head against a rock.

My wolf growls as I watch the rogue attack her. In only takes seconds before he is in control. I shift and run over to the rogue.

He quickly shifts and runs off. I shift back into a human and gently carry Vivian out of the river. Her body is limp in my arms and some blood leaves her skull behind her hair.

I'm careful as I run through the woods with her in my arms. I bring her to my pack doctor who almost instantly starts helping. We also put some clean clothes on her which run to big.

"Is she going to be okay?" I ask worried. He doesn't answer me immediately so I ask again using my alpha tone.

"Yes, I think so." He says wrapping a bandage around her head. He looks over some of her other wounds while at it. "She looks worse then after the crash."

"I know... I don't want to think of what they did to her..." I say the last part quietly.

A women barges through the door. She is a pack member. "Alpha, Zane is here." She says with a worried worried expression. Zane is an alpha to my neighboring pack, RiverTree. He is a good friend but he never visits since he has a large pack and they always are having issues.

"Jonah, watch Vivian. Don't let her leave." I command as I walk out of the building following the women that goes by Alma.

"Zane! What brings you here?" I ask welcomingly. "Any trouble?"

"To much." He says sternly. "A few humans decided to explore the forest and we caught your mates scent. The humans saw her. She killed three of them. We managed to save two of their friends though."

"That's good. We have Vivian and we'll make sure she doesn't kill anymore humans." I reassure.

"It's not just that she killed them. It's the way she did it. She ripped their heads off. Do you know how much strength it takes to do that?"

"Yes." I respond. "More than a normal werewolf."

My Broken Mate (Discontinued Until Further Notice)Where stories live. Discover now