Angel Academy (7)

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~Merick's Point of View~

I leaned up in bed and shook my head, groaning towards my loud alarm clock. I heard River and Riley stir in their beds, both of them moaning angrily.

Riley's blonde head shot up. "Time to go see my beloved Emma!" he cheered and jumped out of bed. I shook my head. Obnoxious and loud Riley plus early morning equals headache for Merick.

"Have fun with that," mumbled River and he turned over and shut his eyes.

"Oh no you don't....," glared Riley and he ran to River's bed and started pulling him out of bed by his leg. They started fighting and yelling at each other.

Not the smartest roomates a guy can have.

I got out of bed and pulled on some dark gray jeans and a black cotton long sleeve. I felt the chilly spring air blow in and it rustled my black hair.

I walked into the bathroom and my eyes grew wide. It looked like a tornado hit it!

"Riley!" I yelled, discusted at how his stuff was lying around. I didn't hear him answer me. I angrily stomped back into the room.

River was sitting up in bed, looking like a zombie with his head down. Riley was no where to be seen.

"I guess Riley doesn't want to come. That's too bad. I get Emma all to myself....." I said loudly.

River stumbled and fell out of his bed as Riley's body shot out from under it. Wow, I thought, he hides under his bed like a 6 year old.

Riley started to rush around the room, getting ready. "That's what I thought," I said, already feeling like his parent. I gave River a don't-leave-me-alone-with-Riley- look. He understood instantly but groaned in complaint. He got up and got ready.

It was already 9:45 when we walked out of the room. Riley took the whole time to shower and fix up his hair. We heard him singing in there too. It sounded like a dying cat mixed with Justin Bieber.

Riley started to skip towards the girl's hallway.

"So, what's she like?" River asked me as we walked side by side.

I thought for a moment. "Very innocent but stubborn. I don't want Riley corrupting her." I said answered blankly. He nodded thoughtfully.

When we reached her room, the three of us stood there awkwardly. We usually never come near the girls dorms. Too dangerous for boys like us.

Riley was about to pound on her door but I swiftly grabbed his arm and shook my head. I knocked three times softly.

Trinity answered the door and was completely shocked to see us.

"H-Hi guys," she stuttered.

"Hey babe, care to let us in?" winked Riley. Trinity blushed and opened the door wide for us.

I admired how their room was clean and actually DIDN'T smell like something died in it.

We all looked around for Emma. Her bed was straight ahead, right next to the window. She was still sleeping.

"Want me to wake her up?" offered Trinity quietly in respect for Emma's sleeping.

"Nah, I'll just climb in right with her...." said Riley with a devils grin. As he started to power walk towards her, I grabbed his collar and pulled him back hard.

He pouted in sadness. Trinity glided towards Emma and sat down softly next to her. She started to nudge her. Emma opened her eyes slowly.

She jumped wildly and almost fell off the bed when she saw the three of us behind Trinity.

"She wouldn't be acting like this if she saw my face laying next to hers...." whispered Riley and River punched his shoulder.

"What the hell?!" we heard a voice yell to the right of us. We saw Ava standing there with her arms crossed. Our eyes grew to the size of saucers. We didn't even hear Ava get up. She scares the hell out of all of us.

"W-We c-came to g-get Emma," stuttterd Riley. Riley would have been less scared of a freaking dragon compared to his fear of Ava.

"Can you do it without waking up all of Angel Academy?!" she criticized. Riley nodded like an idiot.

"We're sorry Ava. It won't happen again," I said calmly and confidently. She scared me too but not nearly as much as the others. She seemed like a confused emo girl instead of a dangerous one to me.

Ava shook her head and went back to bed.

Emma got out of bed and we all took a step back.

"Can you guys wait five minutes outside? I kinda have to get dressed...." said Emma.

River and I turned to leave but we saw Riley stay. He raised his eyebrows and grinned at Emma. River and I had to forcefully remove him. I saw her shake her head towards his pervy behavior and smile at Trinity.

We waited patiently in the hall. Except for Riley. He was pacing back and forth, still mad that he wasn't in there to watch her get ready.

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