Angel Academy (24)

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*I'm going to try my very best to get as many chapters out as I can. I know I barely have any time. But please stick with me. I need the support to keep going. I love you all! ♥ - Brynne *

~Merick's Point of View~

The elevator was very dim and dusty. It looked like it hadn't been used in years. My heart pounded.

"Go, go, go!" pleaded Trinity. I kept punching the buttons. No use.

I saw Damien look up and around the elevator. Some cords hung messily from a corner. He stood on his toes and grabbed them. Crackling, shocking noises came out of it. Suddenly the elevator jerked upwards at an insane pace. We screamed. It stopped after about five floors.

"Oops," mumbled Damien. I rolled my eyes. The word "control" was obviously not in his vocabulary.

"Nice job. You almost killed us," said Jenna. He glared down at her. It didn't matter the age and size difference. Jenna was heartless towards everyone.

"Would you rather have black ops shooting us down?" he grumbled.

"Do you honestly think there's going to be no more of them?" River sighed. He was right. Jenna ran a hand through her hair and groaned.

"Ok, we are now at the top floor. We need to work our way down. The best way to go would be through the labs. The men there are scientists, not guards," she spoke. We nodded gloomily.

Jenna led us down another hall and down a spiraling staircase. Being in this base gave me the feeling we were constantly being watched.

"Ok, the labs are through that big white door," she stated. Jenna's voice had gotten quieter and more shaky. I could tell she didn't like being here at all. We approached it. I put my hands on the door and tried to figure out how to open it.

"The polite thing to do would be to knock," a voice called out. Spinning around, my eyes widened in shock. The voice came from a small boy. He had dark skin and looked to be around the age of eight. His eyes looked like the girl's who we saw earlier. They were just as electrifying but his were green.

"Who are you?" Trinity asked as he came to approach us.

"Adam. Can you help me?" he asked, his voice cracking. He raised his hand toward her. Trinity reached out to grab it, but I smacked her hand away.

"Merick!" she scolded me. The boy looked at us in fear. I glared at him.

"He's one of them, Trinity," I grumbled.

"He's a child! What could he possibly do?" she exclaimed.

"Look behind him," River stated darkly. Trinity slowly walked behind him. She jumped back. A knife glimmered in his hand that he kept behind his back. Suddenly Adam lunged towards River. He caught his wrist and shoved him away. Adam started to laugh. His eyes shone even brighter.

"Adam, we don't want to hurt you," Trinity pleaded.

"Then I'll hurt you," he yelled. Thrusting his arm towards the wall, it collasped and broke apart. Dirt and rock spilled out.

"So that's it. He can control earth," I thought.

"Nice stash," River smiled, his eyes gleaming. Adam glared at him.

"Get going. This is my time to play," River beamed mischeviously, his eyes twinkling with ideas.

Jenna moved to the door. To the right of it was a keypad with numbers.

"I hope they still have the same password," she murmured to herself. Pressing in numbers, the pad shone green. The door slowly opened.

"Idiots didn't change it after I left. Pathetic," she rolled her eyes. We entered. The door closed.

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