Angel Academy (26) ~End~

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*This is the last chapter! I'm freaking out! Angel Academy is now over! I never knew this story would get this popular. I was convinced it was a stupid idea. This has truly been a journey. But making the sequels going to be even better. I apologize for ending it this soon and not ending it with 30 chapters. I'm sorry. And please don't hate me for how I'm going to end it. I love you all! ♥ - Brynne*

~The Rescuer's Point of View~

"You are all insane children! I should have your skins for this!" scolded Headmaster Aaron loudly. We stood around his desk in his office. We stared at the ground with guilt.

"But... you have saved Emma. I..... thank you for that," he whispered. Jumping in the air, we all cheered at his praise.

"But this doesn't mean you all get off with no punishment!" he added loudly. We groaned. Jenna stared at the ground awkwardly.

"Jenna Haren. Who knew you would become this person. One who would lead a team to save someone that you have had conflict with. I am proud to have you at this school," he praised her with sincerity. She looked up at him and gaped.

"I will decide your punishment later. Get out of my office before I change my mind about not killing you all," he said, shaking his head. Simultaneously, we bowed and ran out of the room.

"You're not really going to punish them, are you?" asked a voice. Headmaster Aaron turned in his chair to see Mr. Benson.

"Of course not. But I can't resist making them squirm," he chuckled. Both men laughed.

~Ava's Point of View~

After hearing of there arrival, I ran to search for them. Someone had told me that most of them were in the Headmaster's Office. Except for Emma.

Running to the Infirmary, I burst in the door.

"Are you mental?!" I yelled with a big smile. I ran and sat next to her. The side of her mouth turned up slightly.

"Yes. Which truly proves how much I have learned from you," Emma grinned. We laughed as I gave her a noogie.

"Stay here, I need to go take some medicine," she said as she stood.

"O-Ok...." I stuttered. She left the Infirmary. I didn't question her. I was just happy that everyone was safe. I couldn't stop smiling.

After five minutes, I stood up and went out the door. Emma was no where in sight. I ran upstairs to our dorm.

"Emma?!" I called out. I found her in our room. She was placing clothes and items into a duffel bag.

"W-What are you doing?" I asked, my voice breaking. She ignored me. Closing her bag, she threw it over her shoulder and began to walk towards the window. I stopped her.

"Emma...." I began. Before I could finish, Emma's hand clenched into a fist. Faster than a blink, I was knocked backwards. My vision blackened and I yelled in pain. She shook her fist and approached the window. A sheet was tighed to her bed that was against the window.

I tried my best to scream at her. But I couldn't breathe. Sliding down the sheet, Emma was gone.

~Merick's Point of View~

"Emma?!' I said as I opened the dorm room. She wasn't in the infirmary. I gasped as I saw Ava on the floor.

"What happened?!" I asked her. She looked at me with sorrow. Weakly, she pointed at the window. Running to it, I gazed out it. Emma was about to get into a car. I yelled.

But before I could run after her, I saw a letter on the desk. It was addressed to me and read:

This is too much. I can't handle it anymore. But know that I will always think of you guys. I love you    - Emma

I sank to the ground and yelled in fury. She was gone. I could have stopped her. I had lost her once again.

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