New Orleans
NiklausJosh opened the door to Marcel's loft letting me enter although I could tell that he didn't want to. Marcel looked up at me from the glass of wine as I closed the door behind me.
"What do you want?" Marcel asked with an attitude.
"To let you know that I'm not the one that's behind all of this. If it were up to me I'd still be in Mystic Falls living up to the promise I made to my daughter." I stated seriously. "Do forgive me for the decisions that I have made while under someone else's control, but you know how I am with taking orders. I wouldn't have listened to him if it were up to me."
"But you're not sired to him anymore?" Marcel asked.
"Not now." I mumbled. "I just had to get my humanity back. With no humanity comes no responsibility."
"So why aren't you in Mystic Falls? Why haven't you left yet?"
"Because I need to finish this sacrifice so that the Hollow will be no problem to these people." I stated.
"Klaus?" Marcel scoffed while sitting down his drink. "Killing them is harm. There's gotta be another way."
"I know." I nodded. "I just need your help finding is."
HenricEntering the trailer that lied in the middle of nowhere, Mariana and Rebekah had still been asleep. I knew that they were here to get my humanity back but it was always on. If it hadn't been I wouldn't have told Elijah to let Hayley go.
Just because my humanity was on though, doesn't mean that I wasn't still sired to Gandhi which I am. One of many reasons I haven't been answering any of her calls.
"There you are." I smirked carelessly at Mariana and Rebekah as they both had slowly awaken. "You're supposed to wake up faster than that loves."
"Where's Kaelin?" Rebekah asked.
"I'm not sure, but I do know that she's back on her way to Mystic Falls. To what do I owe this pleasurable visit?" I asked as I sat down in the backwards chair.
"We just wanna help you." Maria mumbled.
"You've already found a way to un-sire me from Gandhi?" I asked with a smirk.
"No, but we have to get your-" Rebekah paused in the middle of her sentence. "You have your humanity back?"
"It was never off." I chuckled. "As a Tribrid, I have more control over everything except for when I am sired. Taking Hayley was only part of my plan to get away from Gandhi. She had to know that I'm fully devoted to her side. And you can't defeat hell until Khloe gets back-"
"We have to!" Rebekah snapped. "Our brothers and sister are there."
"They're only test dummies, besides Hope is the only person who can kill Gandhi. Hope created her. Hope's birth was inevitable, if not Niklaus then Freya, myself or Khloe. The only four Mikaelson's able to reproduce. Well not anymore, Freya is kind of in a bad situation. But you know what I mean." I mumbled. "In order for Gandhi to die, Hope has to be the cause of her death which Hayley and Klaus will not allow. No matter how many daggers are created, even if they're meant precisely to kill Gandhi, they won't work. Not unless Hope is the one doing the killing."
The Originals
VampireOver three thousand years ago a family of vampires, Original vampires, were created by a power witch named Esther Mikaelson. Esther isn't only the creator of vampires, but also the parent of this family. The Mikaelson's are known as the most deadlie...