The emo girl and the YouTube sensation [amnesia and revelations]

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So hey guys! I have posted three days in a row. I'm on a roll.

I'm back to no cliffies. The last chapter wasn't good enough. So here is this one.



Zach's POV

She didn't know who she was. Oh. My. Gosh. And it was my entire fault. I would never forgive myself. I looked back at her. She was thinking about something.

"I thought my name was Alexia." She looked so cute. She was so confused. Her expression made me smile.

"Honey, it is." Was all I could say.

"No one calls me Alex. It's alexia." She was still baffled. I wanted to pick her up and hold her in my arms. "Where's my brother?" she asked. She had a brother. Since when? She could have told me. At the least.

Why leave such a crucial part of your like away from your 'soon-to-be-fiancée'? "I want my brother."

She whined "He said he will drop me to school next week." She said with a smile. "I'm starting High School." She explained. She had just graduated from high school. What is she talking about?

Had she lost the past five years of her memory?

"Alex, what year is it?" I asked her. I hope she says 2010 because if she doesn't then I'm in big trouble.

"It's 2005." She said beaming at me. "I just turned 13." Oh my gosh. She thinks she is still 13. "What's your name?" she said ever so politely; too politely.

"My name is Zach, Honey. I'm your fiancée." I said gently, trying not to startle her. But sadly that failed.

"MY FIANCÉE!?" she said, well more like screamed. "No way! I can't have a fiancée. You're too old! What are you, like 21? Don't get me wrong you are good looking but ewww!!"

I was about to start laughing because 1) Alex had just called me cute and 2) she was speaking like prep.

"Alex?" I asked "What is your favourite colour?"

"Pink." She said automatically. And then I could see her tongue go around her teeth. "Where's my braces?" ha-ha, Alex had braces. That is too funny. "Uhh... Zach?" She asked. "Where is my brother?"

I turned to her grandmother, who was standing in the door way. Alex followed my gaze. Suddenly, the heart-rate monitor started speeding up. Alex started hyper-ventilating and shaking.

There was a layer of sweat on her face. "You." She gasped. "OH MY GOD! YOU KILLED MY BROTHER!" I looked from Alex to her grandmother wide-eyed. All I know for sure is that, she was evil and she is getting fired.

Alex was still hyperventilating and the monitor was still accelerating faster and faster. I pushed the button at the side of her bed and doctors and nurses began flooding into her room.

"I'm sorry, I'm going to ask for you to leave." A young nurse told me. I nodded and I left the room. I took one glimpse of Alex and they were trying to pin her down so she could calm down.

I turned to the hallway and I saw her grandmother pacing back and forth. "Miss?" I said waiting for her to feel in the rest off my sentence.

"Enrique." She said plainly.

"Miss Enrique, I am sorry but you have to leave." I said coldly but it came out icy.

"I understand. I will get a bus back to the house." She said walking to the exit.

"There is no point. Once I tell my aunt what has happened you are sure to get fired."

"But Master Mason." She began pleading. "I do not have anywhere to stay. I have no savings. I have nothing." She said looking down.

"How much will it take to make you leave?" I asked. A smirk crawled over the face her devious face.

"£100,000" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Fine." I said as I took out my cheque book. I wrote a cheque for £130,000; anything to make Alex happy. She looked at the cheque and smiled. "Miss Enrique, I gave you extra to get the first plane out of here. I don't care where you go. Just leave." She nodded.

"Oh yeah and tell Alex her brother isn't dead. He lives in London with my Nephew. Here is the address." She took a paper out of her bag and scribbled the address on it. "And thank you for the money." She said as she sauntered off.

As she was leaving a doctor came out. "How's she doing?" I asked worriedly.

"She's just a bit shaken up." She said in her strong English accent.

Alex's POV

That woman was there. The murderer that killed my brother. She was in doorway. Was I in the hospital because of her? Did she try to kill me too? Then the last 5 years rushed into my head.

My breathing got quicker and quicker. That beeping sound got faster and faster. "You." I gasped. "OH MY GOD! YOU KILLED MY BROTHER!" I tried to scream at her.

Suddenly doctors and nurses began flooding into the hospital room. They pinned me to the bed, only making me breathe faster. I saw a woman send that Zach guy out and for some reason I didn't want him to go.

He turned back giving me eye-contact and then I remembered he is my almost-fiancée.

I remembered this morning. It was so early in the morning like 2 a.m. we had gotten into an argument and I took his car out for a drive and then the truck...

My breathing slowed down. And a smile spread across my face. He really does care. The doctors and nurses began to notice I was OK and left.

A few minutes later, Zach walked in. He smiled at me; His green eyes sparkling at me.

"Alex, your grandmother is gone." I gave out a sigh of relief

"Zach, are we in England?" I asked so curious.

"Why d'you ask?" he said answering m question with a question.

"Because all those doctors and nurses had British accents." He smiled and nodded. Him smiling made me smile. Does this mean I love him? I don't know I am only 13. Wait no, I'm not. I'm 17. "Can we go back to your aunt's house?" I asked, he nodded.

"Thank God for the NHS". he said smiling. I began ripping the wires in my skin and was bout to stand up when I realized my leg was in a cast.

"Zach? Could you help?" he nodded and then picked me up bridal style and I started blushing.

WTF?!? Alex Russo does not blush.


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