Chapter 1

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   Hello everyone my name is Winter I'm 14 years old, I have short black hair and dark brown eyes. I'm an honor student on my second year of middle school. My father got control of the country we live in 14 years ago, now we live in mansion on top of the hill. He let me do anything I want to in the mansion, but anything that involves doing something outside the mansion grounds I have to get his approval. 

     He does all these things because 9 years ago I discovered the powers I had, my father was afraid of me being hurt from others just because I'm different. But I don't blame him I was afraid too, I was afraid that people would treat me differently as soon as they found out my secret. A few years after, I started training myself to use my powers and control them. It took a year and a half to control them, but there are times where my powers got overwhelming, but what happened to me today started an adventure that will completely change my life forever.

   I started the day like any other day, our maid brought my stuff for school downstairs while I put on my school uniform. I have met my father in the dining hall after a while later. I greeted him at the table then our butler, Cruz, came in and brought our breakfast on a cart and he carefully place our food front of us. My father and I ate our food quietly while the servants stood quietly waiting for us to finish our food, the room was so quiet that even the slightest sound could break this thick atmosphere. 

 Then finally a voice called out to me, breaking the silence in the room. "Miss Winter, I think it's time for you to go to school now? Or am I mistaken miss?" 

    I turned my head to see who had spoken to me, and to my own surprise, I saw the servants was at the back of the wall with surprise looks on their faces, and in front of me was Cruz with a concern look on his face. I was surprise at Cruz because I never had heard him talk at all, actually no one ever heard him talk except father, because he only spoke to my father until now. It's like he follows every command without a word.

    I looked at the watch on my wrist to check the time. "Its 7:45, I'm going to be late!" I shouted in panic "Please get the car ready Cruz!"

     "Yes mistress." replied Cruz with a smirk on his face. He walked out of the door and he brought out the family's chauffeur to the limousine parked in front of the mansion's gate. I quickly ate my breakfast said goodbye to my father, and I darted out of the dining hall to the front yard. I quickly stop in front of the garden in the front yard. I carefully pluck a beautiful blue flower from one of the bushes and I place it in my hair then I ran to the gate. I grabbed my bag that the one of servants handed me and climbed in the passenger seat with Cruz. 

    I looked out the window during the drive to school, I was thinking about how I first used my powers. 

I was 5 years old, I was in my room playing by myself when I notice it was snowing outside, I ran to the window in excitement. I notice the snow was landing on the beautiful blue flowers that I planted. I was worried that the flowers will freeze and wilt, and without thinking I opened the window and I jump out of it and landed on the ground without any signs of pain. I ran to the front yard and to the gardens, then I finally reached to the bushes full of the most beautiful blue flowers in the world. I sat next to the bush and suddenly when I lifted my arm to the sky the branches grew over me and the bush. It formed a barrier to cover me and the bushes, so it can prevent the snow from falling on the flowers.

 My short hair grew to the very bottom of my feet, the color of my hair slowly changed to white. Then I blinked for a split second and one of my eyes turned deep crimson red and the other green as the forests trees .I couldn’t believe on what did I just did, but I wished that it was all a dream. I slowly close my eyes waiting for myself to wake up from this crazy dream and I slowly fell asleep.

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