Chapter 9

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I got to my next class and waited for the free period to be over. I sat at my assign seat and read a book that I was currently reading while Cruz sat in the desk behind me. After I finished my book it felt like that hours that passed with all the silence but when I look back up at the clock it was passed 5 minutes. Time must be taking it's time on that clock just to mock me, I sat there staring at my desk waiting for time to run its course on the clock. 

I soon got tired of waiting for the free period to be over so I got up and walked towards the door. But when I got to the door I heard shrieks of girls of our school, I can tell who is coming here. I turned around lifting my foot in the air and I place my foot to the very ground, then a loud bang was heard from behind. I turned around to see Anthony putting all his weight on the door panting with Glenn beside him and Terrance standing there next to me just staring at them with no expression.  

"H-Hey Winter," Greeted Anthony with nervousness. "so, h-how's going?"

"Are You guys alright?" I asked while I watch him carrying heavy stuff to block the door. 

"Yes we're fine Princess." Terrance answered bluntly.

"Would any like to tell me what happen to you guys, or you're just going to block the entrance to the class room." 

Terrance answered my Question, "Well, When we were gathering all our materials for our afternoon classes we headed of to the class you were walking to. Then halfway on our route one girl came to talk to Anthony then another girl came up to talk to Glenn, and another came for me. Minutes later a whole crowed was walking with us to class. Anthony and Glenn ran the other direction to the class you went, so they can get rid of the girls, while I on the other hand politely ask the girls to leave. While they ran the other direction I walk my way to the class room. Then when I got there Anthony and Glenn was running towards the door, and you know the rest." 

By the time Terrance was done the room was quiet. The girls outside seemed to quiet down, it seems like the room was calmer than it was before. 

"Well, it sounds like the girls has gone away," Anthony said. "Why won't we go out until our next class?" 

"Sure," Replied Glenn. "at least it will get rid of the screaming mob of girls." 

"Alright," I agreed. "so where are we going to?" I saw Terrance walking towards the window while I talked to Anthony and Glenn out of the corner of my eye. I turned around and asked, "What are you doing, Terrance?" 

He opened the window door as wide as it can, then he lifted his right foot. "Terrance, don't!" Glenn shouted as he ran to him to stop him, but it was to late he already jumped out. Anthony, Cruz, Glenn, and I ran to the window to see if Terrance was hurt when he jumped out. 

I looked down from the window to find Terrance unharmed just waving at us. "Guys!" He shouted loud enough for us to hear. "Let's look around the court yard!" 

"Terrance Why did you jumped out of the window?" I asked just loud enough for him to hear. "We were on the 4th floor."

"If we walked through the halls the girls would follow us and cause a scene when we walk by!" Terrance answered. He was right though, when the guys walk in the halls all the female students will crowed them and we won't be able to go where we are going. 

"Okay Terrance let's look around the courtyard!" I shouted  back with joy in my voice. I put my  right foot on the window sill ready to jump. I was about to jump out until something was placed on my shoulder. I turned around to see Cruz looking at me with his face showing no expression, but his eyes tell another message. It was telling me not to jump or not to take such a risk or something like that, but I still know what he want to tell me. "It's fine Cruz. I won't get hurt, if Terrance can jump this high then I can too."

"But Mistress," Said Cruz. "Terrance can use his powers to protect him from that fall. But you Mistress you can't control yours yet."

"Just believe in me, okay?" I got back to my position and jumped out the window like Terrance. I closed my eyes waiting for me to land in the ground. I kept falling for what seems like an eternity then I felt my back landed in something soft and warm. I finally fluttered my eyes open to see the blue sky, then I turned my head around to see a face next to me. I flinched in surprise and jumped a little, and I felt my cheeks began to warm up a bit when I realized it was Terrance. From the angle I'm at I could see his blonde locks shine in the sun, how could I help not yo blush. 

"Are you alright, Princess?" Terrance asked while he still look up. 

"Yes, I'm fine Terrance." I answered as he placed me down. "Hey, guys jump down while free period lasts!" One by one they jumped out of the window and landed with a scratch.

"Are we already to go now?" Asked Anthony with excitement. 

"Yes, Anthony I'm pretty sure we all are ready." Stated Glenn. Then we all headed to where ever our feet would take us, but I faltered a bit. I took a look behind me to see the building I jumped out of. It was about 10 times tall as me, and I wouldn't believe I would jump out of that. I heard my name being called so I turned back to where the group is and walked with them.

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