Chapter Two

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Chapter Two:

A few hours later we reached the closest Shield base, located in England. We had to spend a few hours there, explaining what happened, contacted our division of Shield, and finally had a plane come get us. We were going back to the New York division.. I had only been to that division once and was excited to get to go home for a while.

We boarded the jet plane that Shield had sent and I grinned when I saw who it was.

"Phil." I said, hugging the man who practically changed my life forever. He embraced me, a grin on his face as well.

Technically, Phil died back in New York, but somehow Shield was able to bring him back. I didn't know how and I honestly didn't care. He was back and that's all that mattered to me. Only one thing...he didn't know he died. Shield did something to his memory and made him forget, meaning I can't ever tell him. Did I feel terrible about it? Yes! But what if told him something he didn't know and for some freak reason it made him go crazy? I didn't really want to risk it.

He looked at my injuries and shook his head, saying, "I've created a monster."

"Shut up." I said with a roll of my eyes but I was still smiling. He was right, after my first mission, I was hooked. The fear and adrenaline that came with being an's something else. And I love it.

I was able to meet the rest of Phil's team; Skye, May, Ward, Simmons, and Fitz. Skye was new like me, which was cool because I didn't really know how often Shield acquired new agents. May was okay, kind of stand offish but not rude. Ward was muscle-y and tough looking. Simmons was so nice and sweet and Fitz was seriously smart. I instantly wanted the two of them to get together. Everyone was excited to see "Blackwidow" and "Hawkeye". They didn't really know about me because...well, I wasn't publicly an Avenger. Back in New York, I was invisible most of the time so no civilians actually saw me. Fury and I agreed I should just remain anonymous. I was usually pretty good at staying under the radar.

"So, how have you been?" Phil asked as Nat went with Fitz and Simmons to go get her arm cleaned up. Clint was with Skye and Ward to the gym area and May went to go fly the plane.

"Good." I replied truthfully, "I love being an agent."

"Told you so..." he said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes.

"You did." I admitted.

"I still can't believe you already finished your training, now you're out on missions-"Phil began, blabbing like a proud parent whose kid was on the honor roll.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah..." I said, "So have you heard from any of the others from New York?"

Particularly a tall, handsome, and extremely strong soldier?

"Steve?" he asked me. I blushed a tiny a bit.

"What?" I scoffed, embarrassed, "No! Not just Steve. Tony, Bruce, Thor...but yeah, let's go with Steve. Just for the fun of it."

"He's called a few times." Phil replied with a nod.

"Did he possibly say anything about me?" I asked, crossing my fingers in my pockets.

"Naturally." He said and I worked hard on containing a huge grin.

"Ah, what did he say?" I wondered lightly. Phil smirked and handed me a small, black phone.

"He's under the R's." Phil said, walking up a flight of stairs to his office. I grinned at the phone.

"Thank you!!!!" I called after him, turning on the phone to search through his contacts.

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