Chapter Five

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A/N: Oh my gosh diddly darn, you guys I am so sorry. I have had such severe writers block this year and I hated keeping you all in such suspense. High school has been so challenging but now it's summer and I can finally give this story the attention it deserves. Thank you all so much for being so lenient and unwavering in this story, you're the reason I keep writing! So here it is, Steve and Sage's FIRST DATE (I'm so excited, it's not even funny)~ offthewallcrazy

My hands couldn't stop fidgeting with the hair resting on my shoulder. I once more glanced down hurriedly at the outfit I'd managed to put together. For the past few months it had been nothing but movable outfits for running and fighting, not to mention the fact I didn't generally have a fashion sense. The combination I had thrown on seemed alright, though. A navy blue sweater with long black skinny jeans and flats. I had no idea what Steve had planned, if anything at all, and I wanted to wear something nice but not formal. I couldn't believe how much I was overthinking this.

"It's just Steve." I tried to remind myself, glancing at the clock as my heart sped up .

Exactly, just Steve. Steve, the greatest guy I've met to date. He was so...good. He was kind and brave and willing to do what needed to be done for the sake of others. He was such an admirable person. You could literally just feel how good-natured he was. Not to mention, he's pretty attractive, to say the lease. Damn, I've made myself blush.

Just as I was trying to calm down and breathe, someone began to knock on the door. My heart now in my throat, I ran a hand through my hair. For a girl who's taken down international criminals, I was your average nervous wreck. With a quick breath and no other thoughts, I pulled open the door. I forced myself to look up and was met with the brightest blue eyes ever seen.

"Hey Steve." I said, a grin forming on my face. All nerves had disappeared at the sight of him, leaving nothing but the warm tickle of butterflies in my stomach. How was it possible one person could hold so much over me?

"Hi Sage." He said, a boyish smile of his own lighting up his expression. I couldn't help but drink in the way he looked. His hair had changed a little, more clean cut and a little darker, but still the familiar blonde I was so accustomed to seeing. His sense of dress had become a little more modern as well but other than that, not much had changed about his appearance. Had anything changed about the way he felt?

"It's been a long time." I admitted as his eyes met mine.

"Too long." He expressed, his stature filled with determination. Before I had realized what was happening, a hand held my waist and Steve's lips were pressed against mine. The shock subsided and I sunk into the kiss with just as much fervor as he did. I guess the saying was true, some things just get better with time.

I'm not sure how long we stood there, kissing in the middle of my apartment doorway. I felt bad for any of the neighbors who must have caught this spectacle, but I was a little preoccupied with what was in front of me. Eventually, we pulled apart.

"Glad to see that hasn't changed." He said, the evidence of a smirk playing on his lips. I elbowed him in the side, not able to hide my enjoyment at the smug side of him. He just laughed, wrapping an arm around me. Locking the door, we headed down the metallic steps. He lead me to his bike and I ran a hand through my hair, slightly embarrassed.

"Is it a bad time to mention I've never actually ridden on a motorcycle?" I questioned. He looked at me questioningly.

"Really? You've never used the Shield bikes?" he asked.

"Have I used the cars and vans? Yes. Stolen a handful of aircrafts? Yes. Motorcycles? Not a chance." I said. He laughed.

"Don't worry, it's not that bad." He said, lifting one leg over the side of the bike. Steve turned back, waiting for me to get on, offering a helmet.

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