Chapter Three

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Chapter Three:

Phil showed me to a bunk and told me to get some sleep.

“I’ll wake you when we’re over New York.” He said as I sat on the edge of the bed. I nodded and he walked off.

My mind was racing with though and I didn’t see how I was going to sleep. I sat up a little, my back leaning against the metallic wall of the plane. There was a window  to my right, revealing the dark sky. The sun must have set a while ago. In a few short hours I’d be back home. I wondered what New York would have in store for me.

I was busy in my thoughts and was surprised when I saw Skye right next to me. I blinked in surprise but smiled.

“Hey.” I said, facing her.

“Hi. Sorry, I know it’s late and all.” She said with an embarrassed grin.

“It’s okay, I couldn’t sleep anyways.” I admitted to her. I sat all the way up, clambering out of bed. I head over to the leather chairs across from us and sit, Skye following.

“So, what’s up?” I asked.  Once, I was never able to be this comfortable with people, I couldn’t have a casual conversation with a stranger. Now it was my job practically, and I was okay with that.

“It’s just, Coulson talks about you all the time, being a new agent and all. And it’s, like, someone else gets it?” she asks, shaking her head.

“I know, I sound like an idiot.” She apologized.

“No, not at all.” I replied,” Trust me; I get what you’re saying. It’s nice not being the only one who doesn’t get what’s going on sometimes.”

“Exactly, and I’m always worried if I make some tiny mistake-“

“That it’ll end in universal catastrophe and it’ll be all your fault?” I finished and she nodded.

“That’s how I feel every time I get a mission, like I’m not going to be good enough,” I told her, crossing my legs, “ Like the whole world is watching, waiting for me to trip up, get something wrong, and ruin everything.”

“I feel like that constantly.” She said with a sigh, “How do you deal with it?”

“You just have to do your best, give it everything you have and then a little more. Facing it head on and not backing down. And, this will sound cheesy, but you’ve got believe in yourself, that you can do it.” I admitted with a shrug, “Then everything just falls into place.”

She nodded, taking in my words, “I just think I’m going to end up making a huge mistake and get kicked off the team.”

“Everyone makes mistakes, Skye.” I told her.

“The Avengers don’t. The way Coulson talks about you, I doubt you do.”

“Wanna bet?” I asked and she gave me a questioning look.

“My first mission as an agent, Northern California. Simple retrieve and retreat. All I had to do was get in, clean a computer with a few Shield Intel files, get out, right?” I asked and she nods, “I don’t even make it to the data base because I’m too busy tripping over my untied shoes laces, crashing head first into a wooden crate. I made the biggest racket you could imagine, had twenty guards on me. I thought I was a goner.”

“What happened?” she asked her eyes wide in curiosity.

“Agent Romanoff and Agent Barton had to come save my clumsy ass.” I replied and didn’t feel offended when she giggled.

“It was the most embarrassing thing that has happened to me to this day. And you know what happened after I made that huge mistake?” I asked.


“Natasha told me to shake it off. Barton, on the other hand, still laughs about it every day, “I shrug, “But here I am. I ruined a whole mission and now I’m constantly out there.”

“I guess if you can do that and still go on missions, I don’t have to worry.” She said with grin. I laughed and nodded.

“Besides, you have Coulson. I doubt he’s going to just throw you out.” I added, “In fact, you’ve got a whole great team backing you up.”

“I do.” She agreed.

“So don’t sweat the small things and you’ll be fine.” I finished. Skye looked more relieved after hearing what I had to say.

“You’re right. Thanks.” She said, rising, “I’ll leave you alone now.”

“If you ever need to talk, Phil always knows how to find me.” I informed her and she nodded.

“‘Night, and thanks again.” She said, heading down the hall. I smiled and got back in the bunk, suddenly tired.

It’s funny what a year can do to a person… I thought wearily before finally falling asleep.

It was a few hours later Phil was shaking me awake, causing me to sit up fast and , naturally, bang my head on the low ceiling of the bunk.

“Oh, for God’s sake!” I exclaimed, rubbing my forehead. Phil laughed as I got up.

“Still so…Sage.” He said with a shake of his head. I rolled my eyes, slipping on my sneakers.

“We there yet?” I asked, stretching out my arms and legs.

“Almost. We’ll be landing in twenty minutes.” He said. I nodded, following him up a few stairs.

“So, how do you like leading a team?” I asked him as we entered his office. It was nice and had a comfy chair I sank into as he sat across from me.

“It’s a good group. Everyone just fits, like a puzzle.” He admitted.

“You have a great thing going on here.” I said and noticed how he looked at me.

“What did I do?” I asked and he just smiled.

“You’re such a grown up now.” He said with a shake of his head.

“I’m not that old.” I reminded him.

“You’re not the same Sage you were last year, huh?” he asked.

“I’m not.” I said truthfully. Because I wasn’t. I’ve changed and grew and it felt right. Phil grinned again.

“Let me see it.” He said and I knew what he was talking about. Smiling myself, I pull out a folded piece of black leather, flipping it open. Inside was my Shield I.D. card and, across from it, sat the Shield Badge. I could flash this at any crime scene, investigative area, and had full clearance in.

“Now this is an accomplishment.” He said proudly. I nodded my agreement.

“Never thought this would happen, did you?” I asked him.

 “Actually, I knew all along.” He said and we felt the plane land. We’d reached New York.

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