The Outside World: Part 1

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Starring Walden, Anne, and Izzy

*Anne and Izzy enjoy when Walden comes over. But, they wonder if he ever goes anywhere else in town. With Walden being a Werewolf, they know it's hard for him to do so. That changes today*...

Anne and Izzy: *Sitting on the couch at home waiting for Walden to come over*.
Izzy: He'll be here at any moment. You have the plan down?
Anne: Yeah, we're gonna find some way to make him blend in with normal people so that we can take him around town.
Izzy: Yep! And I asked Nick if we could borrow the car and he didn't have a problem.
Anne: Great! *There's a knock at the door*.
Izzy: Come in!
Walden: *Opens the door*. Hi! *Comes in and shuts the door behind him*. You guys said you had a surprise for me?
Anne: You bet! You'll love it
Walden: What is it, what is it?! *Goes over to them as his bushy wolf tail wags*.
Anne: Izzy and I are going to take you out into town!
Walden: *His tail slowly stops wagging*. But, normal people are scared of werewolves.
Izzy: We got that covered. Literally. *Holds out a black beanie hat*.
Walden: *Takes it*. Huh?...
Anne: We were thinking you could put that on to cover your ears. And then, you could put your tail up under your jacket. If that's okay.
Walden: Well, let's see. *Puts the beanie on to cover his wolf ears as he put his tail up his jacket*. My tail feels okay.
Izzy: And your ears?...
Walden: The hat makes it harder for me to hear you, but I can manage. *His ears perk up as their shape is seen through the hat*.
Anne: *Giggles*. Aww.
Walden: What?
Anne: Your ears booped out.
Walden: Hm? *Feels the top of the hat and notices what Anne means*. Darn, it won't work. *Takes the beanie off and frees his tail from his jacket*.
Izzy: It was worth a shot.
Walden: Yeah. I guess I'll just be able to only come here.
Anne: What if you put them away?
Walden: Pardon?
Anne: I read in a book that werewolves can hide their ears and tail and look completely human.
Walden: Oh yeah, I know what you mean. However, my parents never taught me how. That's why I never do it.
Izzy: It can't be too hard. Maybe, you just gotta imagine yourself without your ears and tail.
Anne: I agree.
Walden: Alright, I'll try.
Anne: You can do it!
Walden: *Takes a deep breath*. Okay, here I go... *Closes his eyes and clears his head*...
Anne and Izzy: ...
Walden: *He looks very focused*... I got this... *His ears slowly start to shrink as his tail grows shorter and less bushy*...
Anne and Izzy: *!*...
Walden: *His ears become those of a normal human as his tail disappears completely*... *Opens his eyes*... Did I do it?...
Anne: *Blushes a light pink at how he looks without his wolf features*...
Izzy: You look human, you did it.
Walden: *Feels around for his ears and eventually finds them*. Human ears... *Looks behind him in attempt to look for his tail, he even spins around a few times before he realizes he can't find it*. No tail... I'm human.
Anne: *Hugs him*. You look wonderful!
Walden: *Hugs back as he smiles*.
Izzy: Even your claws and fangs are gone. This will totally work.
Walden: *Let's go of Anne*.
Anne: *Let's go of Walden*. This'll be a great day.

To Be Continued...

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