Personality Shift AU: Part 3

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Starring Gobi, Violet, and Serena

Gobi: *Flies through the sky as a village comes into view*... There it is... *Flies toward the village*...
Violet: *In her house with Serena*. Do you think Jack's aunt and uncle will help us?
Serena: Perhaps. *There's a knock at the door*. I'll get that. *Goes to the door and opens it*. Hello, how may I- *Gasp*! You?!
Gobi: *Standing in front of her in his human form*. Hello.
Violet: Serena, who is it? *Walks up next to Serena*. Oh, Gobi! How nice of you to stop by. Come in, please!
Serena: Yes, come in. *Disgusted by his presence as she steps aside*.
Gobi: Thank you. *Steps inside the house.
Serena: *Closes the door*...
Violet: It wasn't hard to find us, was it Gobi?
Gobi: Not at all. I come bearing news from my young lord Master Jack.
Violet: Do tell.
Gobi: Jack's aunt and uncle have agreed to help. His uncle Brian has asked me to bring you to his mansion to talk about how we can all help.
Violet: You all live in a mansion?! That's awesome!
Gobi: It is quite nice, yes.
Serena: Are you trying to act like you're better than us?
Gobi: Pardon?
Serena: I've been having bad feelings since we met you and your master a moment ago. Those bad feelings have mostly been revolving around you, Gobi!
Violet: Serena!
Serena: One moment, my lady.
Gobi: You seem tense.
Serena: The fact that you're here in our house without your master disgusts me enough! How can he even trust you on your own?
Violet: Serena, that's enough! *Grabs Serena's wrist*.
Serena: *Gasp*!
Gobi: .....
Violet: That is quite enough. Gobi is our guest as long as he's under this roof. It doesn't matter if Jack is here or not to supervise him. And it certainly doesn't matter if he's better than us in any way. What matters is that him and his family are willing to help us. Is that clear?
Serena: Y-yes... M-my lady...
Violet: Good, now apologize. *Let's go of Serena's wrist*.
Serena: *Regains her composure*. I'm sorry, Sir Gobi.
Gobi: Apology accepted.
Violet: Now then, Gobi why don't you lead us to this mansion you and Jack call home.
Gobi: Lady Violet, Lady Serena, it would be my pleasure. *Opens the front door and walks outside*. Do try to keep up. *Turns into a crow and starts flying towards the mansion*.
Violet: We'll be right behind you! *Follows him*.
Serena: I'm flying with him. *Turns into a dove*.
Violet: Serena.
Serena: *Turns to her*.
Violet: Remember what I said.
Serena: Of course, my lady. *Flies after Gobi*.

To Be Continued...

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