Personality Shift AU: Part 6

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Starring Jack, Gobi, Violet, Serena, Herobrine, and Lov

Co-Written By pokemon_lover1248

*Noon Time, Rival Village*...

Violet and Serena: *Hidden on the outskirts of the rival village, waiting for Jack and the others to arrive*...
Serena: My lady, are you sure they'll find their way here without trouble?
Violet: I'm very sure. I gave them very detailed directions.
Serena: Alright, I trust you.
Violet: Serena.
Serena: Yes?
Violet: Yesterday when I came to tell you it was time to go, why were you blushing?
Serena: I wasn't blushing... Was I?...
Violet: I thought you were. Perhaps, I was mistaken.
Gobi: *From behind them*. Good day, ladies.
Violet and Serena: *Turn around to see Gobi as a crow sitting on a tree branch*.
Violet: Hello, Gobi. Where are the others?
Gobi: Brian shouldn't be too far behind me. Jack and Lov have gone to the left side of the village.
Serena: So, they're already in position?
Gobi: Indeed. We're just waiting on Brian.
Herobrine: *Shows up from behind Gobi*. Sorry for the wait.
Violet: Not a problem, Brian. Now, once I get in position I'll signal everyone.
Herobrine: How so?
Violet: I'll blow on a whistle that'll sound like a flock of birds singing.
Gobi: We'll keep an ear out.
Violet: Good. Serena, get your minigun ready. Careful where you aim. *Starts making her way to position*.
Serena: Yes, Lady Violet.
Herobrine: A minigun?
Serena: *Moves a pile of leaves off to the side to reveal a minigun underneath*. Correct. *Picks it up*.
Gobi: *Becomes human*. Impressive. *Jumps down onto the ground*. That should add onto the fun. *Draws his sword*.
Herobrine: Well, you're not wrong. *Draws his sword and knife*.
Serena: Now, we wait...
Gobi: ...
Herobrine: ...
Serena: ... *Violet's whistle is heard in the distance*...
Gobi: That's the signal! Everyone, to battle! *Charges into the village*.
Herobrine: This'll be interesting! *Follows Gobi*.
Serena: Right behind you! *Follows behind them*.
Gobi: *Runs up to a guard and stabs them with his sword*.
Herobrine: *Gets spotted by the guard he's heading for*. Bring it!
Guard: *Draws their sword and tries to attack Herobrine*.
Herobrine: *His sword clashes with the guard's*. This isn't my first rodeo, buddy! *Uses his knife to stab the guard*.
Guard: *Dies*...
Herobrine: Always have a second option in a battle.
Jack: *Traveling by shadow on the left side of the village, slitting the throat of every guard he sees with his switchblade*...
Violet: *Using her pistol for ranged attacks and het dagger for close range*...
Lov: *Jumping from rooftop to rooftop, blasting orbs of magic energy at anyone she sees*...
Serena: *Laughing maniacally as she fires her minigun at a whole mass of guards*.
Gobi: Serena, hold still!
Serena: Huh?! *Looks at him*.
Gobi: *Throws a knife that flies past her face*.
Serena: Woah! *Turns around to see a guard with an axe get hit in the forehead with the knife*.
Gobi: He almost got you.
Serena: Thank you!
Gobi: *Smiles as his icy blue eyes flash red for a moment*. Certainly...
Serena: *Thinks*. What's with his eyes?...
Gobi: As you were, Lady Serena. *Becomes focused on another guard*...
Serena: Okay... *Starts shooting at more guards*...
Violet: *Finds a rather large building with two guards at the entrance*... The leader has to be in there. How do I take out one guard without the other noticing?... *Notices Jack in the shadows across the way*...
Jack: *Just slit a third guard's throat*...
Violet: *Thinks*. He must've gotten everyone on his side. Maybe, he can help... *Makes sunlight reflect off her dagger to get Jack's attention*...
Jack: *Notices her*...
Violet: *Points to one of the guards*...
Jack: *Catches onto what she wants and stealthily makes his way towards one of the guards*.....
Violet: *Does the same with the other guard*...
Jack: *Comes up behind the left guard and slits their throat*...
Violet: *Stabs the other guard while their distracted*. Thanks, Jack.
Jack: You're welcome.
Violet: The village leader is in here. I need him alive.
Jack: *Takes out his revolver*. I'll cover you.
Violet: *Readies her pistol as she kicks the door open*. Nobody move! *The building is empty aside from one man*. I knew you'd be in here.
Village Leader: How'd you get past my guards?! They're everywhere!
Violet: I had help. Now, come along smoothly or I'll shoot.
Village Leader: Fine! Fine! *Puts his hands up and slowly makes his way over to Violet and Jack*.
Violet: You're coming with me. But, just to be safe... *Takes out a rope and ties to village leader's wrists with it*. There.
Village Leader: Darn it! I knew I should've armed myself!
Violet: Come on, Jack. Let's tell everyone else we won.
Jack: You got it.


Gobi, Serena, Herobrine, and Lov: *Regrouping because all the guards are dead*.
Lov: That was more exhausting than I thought it would be.
Herobrine: Heh, all you had to do was use magic.
Lov: It takes a lot out of me.
Herobrine: Sure it does.
Lov: Stop it, you!
Serena: Where are Lady Violet and Sir Jack?
Gobi: I'm not sure. Perhaps we should look around, make sure they aren't in trouble.
Jack: No need! *Walks up to the group with Violet and the village leader following behind him*.
Violet: Everyone, we've won this war!
Herobrine: Yes!
Lov: We did it! *Hugs Herobrine*.
Herobrine: *Hugs Lov back and smiles*.
Serena: I can't believe it... *Turns to Gobi*... Gobi, we-
Gobi: *Suddenly kisses Serena on the lips as he wraps his free hand around her waist (he's still holding his sword)*...
Serena: *A blushing mess as she's surprised by Gobi's sudden action*...
Violet: Oh my god! Jack, are you seeing this?!
Jack: I am! I never knew Gobi had it in him!
Gobi: *Stops kissing Serena and smiles, looking into her eyes*...
Serena: *Her eyes are wide with surprise*... G-Gobi...
Gobi: Now, we're even. I was never mad at you because I fell for you.
Serena: F-for me?...
Gobi: Yes, I love you Serena.
Serena: *Gives a small smile*... I love you too... *Pulls him in for another kiss and wraps her arms around his neck*...
Gobi: *Melts into the kiss*...
Violet: Is this how love works?! *Straight up shocked*.
Herobrine: That's definitely how it works.
Lov: We found out that love can go further than this. Didn't we, Hero?
Herobrine: Yep.
Violet: It does?!
Jack: Yeah. Why, you've never fallen in love before?
Violet: No! I've never even had a crush!
Jack: You've got a lot to learn.
Violet: Ugh... At least I won a war...

The End.
;) <3

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