Slips & Slurs

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Starring Apple, Azrom, and Carson

Dedicated to pokemon_lover1248

*A few days after the whole Blood Moon ordeal, things have gotten better between Azrom and Carson. Carson even offered to talk to his boss about getting Azrom a job in the FBI. Apple also offered to talk her boss. But for now, they'll wait a day or so to get to that*...

Apple and Azrom: *At their house at night*...
Azrom: Can't wait for that job interview. *Sitting on the living room couch*.
Apple: *In her nightgown (assuming she has one, Bruh!)*. I just hope it goes well. I mean, a demon has never worked for the FBI before. I'm a little worried...
Azrom: *In his usual clothes*. 'Bout what?
Apple: Nevermind, I'm not taking you there until a few days anyway.
Azrom: Alright.
Apple: It's getting late, I'm going to bed. Make sure you don't stay up too late.
Azrom: Apple I'm a grown man, 25 years old to be certain. I know when to go to bed.
Apple: You're right, I'm sorry. But, still. *Smiles*. Good night, Azzy. *Heads upstairs into her bedroom*.
Azrom: Good night, un pomme.

*1 Hour Later*...

Azrom: Hm, I think it's time for me to hit the hay. *Here's the sound of glass tapping*. Huh? *Looks out the window to see a black barn owl with a light gray face tapping on the window*. What the?...
Barn Owl: *It has piercing red eyes*... Hoot hoot... *It's "hoot" sounds like a man simply whispering "hoot". (Beware the owl that speaks in whispers)*...
Azrom: You're a familiar... Aren't ya?
Barn Owl: ... Hoot hoot...
Azrom: I know what to do with you... *His fingernails sharpen into black claws as he opens the front door and goes outside*...
Barn Owl: ... Hoot hoot... *Flies away*...
Azrom: Hey! *Runs after it*.
Barn Owl: ... Hoot hoot... *Flying towards the city*...
Azrom: I'll kill ya, even if I gotta chase you!
Barn Owl: ... Hoot hoot...

*10min Later*...

Barn Owl: *Flies toward a a grocery store*... Hoot hoot...
Azrom: *Getting closer to it*. I got you, now! *Jumps as he slashes towards the owl with his claws*.
Barn Owl: *Disappears before Azrom's claws can touch it*...
Azrom: Huh?! *Looks around*. Where'd it go?!
Barn Owl: ... Hoot hoot... *Taps on the glass of one of the grocery store windows. It appears to have gotten itself inside the building*... Hoot hoot...
Azrom: There's gonna be blood and feathers on my hands tonight... *Goes up the front doors of the grocery store and forces them open*... And here I was thinking automatically opening doors could lock properly...
Barn Owl: ... Hoot hoot... *Perched on top of an isle sign*...
Azrom: There you are! *Runs toward it*.
Barn Owl: *Flies into the alcoholic beverage isle*...
Azrom: *Stops inside the isle*... Champagne, huh? My favorite... I guess I could "borrow" a bottle or two...

*Many Drinks Later*...

Azrom: *So drunk he can't even stand on his feet properly without falling over first*... Heh heh... I love champagne...
Barn Owl: ... Hoot hoot... *Lands right in front of him*...
Azrom: Oh... *Slurring his words*... It's you. What do you want?...
Barn Owl: ... Hoot hoot... *Starts flying towards the front doors of the grocery store*...
Azrom: Hey! *Hic*! I asked you a question! *Stands up, but falls over*... Ugh... *Stands up again and goes after the owl*...
Barn Owl: *Disappears, then reappears outside the building*... Hoot hoot...
Azrom: Grrr... Stop flying away! *Forces the doors open just barely enough to get himself outside*.
Barn Owl: *Disappears*...
Azrom: Ah, great! I lost ya! *Looks around*... Which way is home again?...


Carson: *Driving home in his car*. I work a late shift and dumb boss doesn't even pay me for overtime. *Sees a pair of familiar red eyes*. Azrom?...
Azrom: *Stumbling down the sidewalk*...
Carson: *Pulls over next to him and gets out of his car*. Azrom, is that you?
Azrom: *Turns to him*. Who's askin'? *Hic*!
Carson: *Walks over to him*. It's me Carson, what're you doing out here this late at night?
Azrom: I was chasing an owl... I lost it.
Carson: I see... Are you feeling okay? You don't sound like your usual self.
Azrom: I'm feeling just lovely tonight! *Hic*!... Heh heh...
Carson: Oh, I see what's going on here...
Azrom: What?...
Carson: Buddy, you're drunk.
Azrom: I am?... *Hic*!...
Carson: Yeah, you can't tell?
Azrom: No- *Hic*! I can't.
Carson: *Sigh*... Here, I'll take you home. Get in the back seat.
Azrom: Home... I forgot how to get home. *Hic*! Oh no, Apple is gonna kill me! *Hic*!
Carson: You got that right. Get in my car and I'll get you home.
Azrom: Yeah, sure. *Hic*! *Gets in the back seat of Carson's car*.
Carson: *Gets out his cell phone and calls Apple*...
Apple: *Answers and sounds really tired*. Hello?...
Carson: Good evening Apple, it's Carson.
Apple: Carson?... *Yawns*... Why are you calling me so late? Nothing came up at HQ, did it?
Carson: No. I'm calling about Azrom.
Apple: What about him?
Carson: I was driving home from a late shift and just so happen to see him stumbling down the sidewalk.
Apple: What, why?!
Carson: He's drunk. I don't know how or why, but he is. He said he was chasing an owl.
Apple: My gosh... Can you bring him home?
Carson: He's in the back seat of my car right now. *Looks at Azrom*.
Azrom: *Smiles goofily and waves at Carson*.
Carson: *Waves back at him*. I can definitely bring him home.
Apple: Good, I'll see you as soon as you get here.
Carson: Copy that.
Apple: *Hangs up*...
Carson: *Hangs up and gets in the driver's seat of his car*. Aright buddy, I'm taking you home now.
Azrom: *Hic*! Cool.
Carson: Mind if I ask how you came to be stumbling down the sidewalk? And don't leave any parts out, give me as many details as you can.
Azrom: Well... *Hic*!... It all started when I was at home...

*20min Later*...

Carson: Here we are... *Slowly turns into Apple's driveway*...
Azrom: *Looks out the window to see Apple standing at the front door*...
Apple: *Watching Carson's car drive in as she does not look impressed*... *She's wearing a bath robe over her nightgown*...
Azrom: *His eyes widen*. Back up, Carson! *Hic*! She's gonna kill me!
Carson: Too late. *Parks the car and gets out*. Apple.
Apple: *Walks up to the back seat door where Azrom is sitting and opens it*...
Azrom: AH!!! *Tumbles out of the car and onto the ground*.
Apple: Azrom... *She sounds very angry*...
Azrom: *Sits up and puts a figure to Apple's lips*. Shh...
Apple: .....
Azrom: *Smiles and falls over again*... *Chuckles*...
Apple: Azrom, I'm very disappointed in you. Why were you out so late?!
Azrom: Owl...
Apple: *The scent of champagne stings her nostrils*. Ugh, you smell drunk even! You know what drinking too much does to you, Azrom!
Azrom: I regret nothing...
Apple: Go inside, Azrom.
Azrom: *Stumbles to his feet*. But, Apple... *Hic*!...
Apple: Inside, now! *Death glares Azrom*.
Azrom: I'm going! *Runs inside and slams the door shut behind him*.
Apple: *Sigh*... Carson...
Carson: Yes?
Apple: Thanks for calling me.
Carson: Sure thing.
Apple: Did he tell you why he out so late drunk?
Carson: I was able to get him to talk about it on the way here. He told me that he saw a familiar in the form of a barn owl outside the window.
Apple: Go on.
Carson: He chased it to the grocery store and followed it inside. It lead him into the liquor isle and he, as you can see, helped himself to quite a few drinks.
Apple: Freaking Azrom...
Carson: Apple if he saw a familiar, that means more of his kind are around.
Apple: I didn't even think about that.
Azrom: *He's heard vomiting inside*...
Apple: Oh no...
Carson: I'm gettin' tired myself, I'm heading home. Keep a watchful eye out. I'll see you later.
Apple: Yeah, you too. Good night, Carson.
Carson: Night, Apple. *Gets into his car and drives away*.
Apple: *Goes inside and locks the door behind her*.
Azrom: *Laying down on the living room couch*... Ugh... *He's out cold, but he looks very weak from vomiting a moment ago*...
Apple: Azzy... *Walks over to him a strokes his hair*... You poor guy...
Azrom: *He hiccups in his sleep*...
Apple: *Smiles slightly*... *Drags a small trashcan over near him and teleports a bottle of water and sets it in the coffee table*...
Azrom: *Despite being drunk, he looks oddly peaceful*...
Apple: You may be drunk... *Kisses him on the forehead*... But, you're my drunk. Good night and sweet dreams, Azzy.
Azrom: Nuit... *Hic*!... Nuit (French word for night)...
Apple: *Smiles as she heads upstairs and goes back to bed*...

The End.

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