The Plan

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Starring Apple, Azrom, Carson, and Kelly

Co-written By pokemon_lover1248

Carson: *Slams open the door to the medical room*.
Kelly: AH!!! *Turns invisible (she's a chameleon hybrid)*.
Azrom: Carson, what's goin' on? Why'd you slam the door?
Carson: *Has a red mark on his face from being slapped*. It's so hard to understand what Bryce says sometimes. He's so stubborn and it took a lot of persuading. But, you got the job.
Apple: *Internally excited for Azrom*...
Azrom: Haha! I got the job! Thanks, Carson.
Carson: No problem.
Apple: I knew you'd get the job!
Azrom: How were you able to persuade him, Carson? Especially, after I yelled at him.
Carson: It was a lot of saying how good you are as a person and how you can be really useful. He also wants to give you a final test.
Azrom: Ugh... What is it and when is it?...
Carson: In two days. You two will go head to head.
Kelly: *Becomes visible*. B-but, n-no o-one h-has ever b-beaten B-Bryce.
Carson: *Gets startled by Kelly's sudden appearance*. Where'd you come from?!
Kelly: S-sorry...
Azrom: *Smirks*. I will be the first to beat him...
Kelly: B-but, n-no o-one has e-ever g-gotten m-more that th-three p-punches o-on h-him.
Apple: Except Carson, who was close to beating him.
Carson: .....
Azrom: Either way, he will get what he deserves. From the sound of it, he's just a jerk to everyone who works for him.
Apple: Not everyone.
Kelly and Carson: .....
Azrom: Still, it'll be great to punch him in his jerk face!
Carson: It's going to be one intense fight. He might not hold back. I couldn't beat him when he held back.
Apple: A demon and a reaper.
Kelly: *Starts writing on her clipboard*...
Azrom: An intense fight, indeed. Weather or not he holds back won't be a problem. What's he gonna do to me as a reaper? Use his scythe on me? I'm shaking already! *Laughs*.
Kelly: *Rolls her eyes*...
Apple: You're getting quite cocky.
Carson: *Nods in agreement*...
Azrom: And when has me being cocky been a bad thing?
Carson and Apple: *Look at each other and nod*...
Kelly: *Confused by the two of them*...
Azrom: What?...
Apple: You really get carried away when you're cocky.
Azrom: I just really believe in myself... Do you believe in me?...
Apple: Of course.
Azrom: Good! *Looks at Carson*. Tell me, how do I fight him?
Carson: That's the thing. You can't predict his moves. You can't get a pattern on his attacks. He's unpredictable. But, He can read his opponents like a book. He sees every attack, every move. I almost beat him 'cause I got lucky. He's really fast too and his reflexes are like lightning. He plans so quickly.
Apple: That's Bryce for ya. You can't tell what he'd thinking, he always looks mad.
Azrom: Did you actually try reading his mind? It doesn't sound like you did.
Carson: He cleared his mind of his attacks.
Azrom: Oh... Well, I do have one idea. What if I just stand there and do nothing? He'll get confused, right?
Carson: What do you plan on doing?
Apple: I'm confused at that strategy.
Azrom: Okay so, Bryce would expect me to fight back if he makes a move. But, what if I just do nothing? No attacking, no dodging, no anything. Just stand there and let him think he has the upper hand. Then when he least expects it, I deliver a surprise attack. That's my strategy.
Carson: That could work... Once.
Apple: *Nods in agreement*...
Azrom: I know. With my surprise attack, he'll be thrown off guard. Leaving him vulnerable to any other attacks I have as long as I do them while he's recovering.
Carson: That might work if you do enough damage, maybe to where he's near death. But if you don't, he will fight through the pain no matter how bad the pain is.
Apple: Once on our missions he got stabbed in the stomach, shoulders, legs, and arms and he kept fighting.
Azrom: *Thinks a moment*... I won't have enough time to go full demonic beast on him. I'll have to go half demon. My surprise attack will be an uppercut. So, he'll stumble back and possibly be stunned. Before he recovers, I go half demon and do whatever I can to hurt him. Maybe... A series of scratching followed by a bycicle kick. Could fit some punches in after that, perhaps...

arson: Do as much as you can. When he gets unstunned, he'll be untouchable.
Azrom: Right, right...
Carson: Sounds like a great plan.
Apple: *Smiles*.
Azrom: There's only one question I have about this whole thing...
Carson: What?
Azrom: Do any of you know what happens when you beat him?
Carson, Kelly, and Apple: *Think a moment*...
Azrom: Well?
Apple: We don't know.
Kelly: .....
Carson: No one has ever beat him.
Azrom: I bet if someone defeats him, that person becomes the boss. Now that, would be a great thing to happen. *Thinks a moment*... Wait a second... Azrom, focus! That would never happen, that's far too cliché.
Carson: Maybe, you'll be in the workforce immediately rather than having to do recruit training.
Apple and Kelly: *Nod in agreement*.
Azrom: What's the workforce?
Apple: Going out on the more dangerous missions like me and Carson. Carson trains the new recruits and Bryce trains the agents, the old recruits. Well, most of them.
Carson: Yeah.
Azrom: I see... Well, this'll all go down in two days. I want all you guys there to cheer me on. This is so exciting!
Carson: Let's just focus on getting you prepared. *Thinks*. At least, he's enthusiastic.

To Be Continued...

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