The Good Demon

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Starring Carson and ???/Ezra

Co-written By pokemon_lover1248

*Carson has gotten an envelope in his office within the FBI HQ. Inside is a solo mission report telling him to go catch a girl. Her name is not included on the report for some reason*...

Carson: I know Bryce didn't give me this mission. Another agent must've passed it to me. But, who?... Hm. Might as well go got get this girl. *Packs his equipment and goes outside to drive one of the FBI trucks to her last seen location. The report says it's an old abandoned building. It sounds familiar*...

*Later At The Abandoned Building*...

Carson: *Stops the truck in front of the abandoned building and gets out*. This is the same building where the whole Cazrosom incident happened... Interesting. *He goes and enters the building, knowing full well that he, Apple, and Azrom never got to investigate the inside*.
Inside The Building: *The Inside doesn't look like much, but it's clear someone has been here*.
Carson: *Looks around*...
Inside The Building: *There's two makeshift beds as well as a cooking pot over a dead fire in the room*.
Carson: *Keeps his guard up*...
Inside The Building: *There's a photograph next to one of the beds*...
Carson: *Puts down his equipment and goes over to the beds to pick up the photo*. What have we here? *Its a photo of Azrom, though he looks slightly younger in this photo*... Why is this here?...
???: When you're done looking at that photo, please put it back. *From behind him*.
Carson: *Turns around*...
???: *It's a demon girl. She has long black hair and red glowing eyes. Her skin is also pale. She's wearing a dark red tank top under a dark gray hoodie, with gray jean shorts and black leather high heeled boots. She's also wearing a red star pendant like Azrom's. In fact, she kinda looks like him*. That's my photo.
Carson: *Gives her the photo*...
???: *Takes the photo*. Thanks.
Carson: *Thinks*. This is the girl I have to arrest? She's somehow connected to Azrom. I kinda don't feel like arresting her... *Without realizing it, he gets closer to her*...
???: Hey, you're in my space bubble.
Carson: *Lost in thought*...
???: Hey! Red Head! Too close!
Carson: *Snaps out of it as he backs away from her a little*. Sorry, ma'am. I got lost in a train of thought.
???: So, why are you here?
Carson: I'm here to arrest you.
???: Why, though?
Carson: You seem to have stolen my heart. *Thinks*. Why did I say that?
???: *Giggles*. I meant what's the real reason you wanna arrest me?
Carson: Well... Hmm... *Thinks*. Play it smooth. *Clears his throat*. You're on the FBI's wanted list... Because they made being sexy a crime... Okay I admit it, that was bad. *He slightly blushes*.
???: It was bad, yeah. Especially, since you just met me. You don't even know my name and I don't know yours.
Carson: *Getting nervous*. Y-yeah. It's just, you're so p-pretty and I'm not good with pretty girls like you. Ugh, I'm suppose to be a professional. Oh, name's Carson. Carson Terwil.
???: Nice name, Carson. I'm Ezra, we can save my last name for later.
Carson: Now, we know each other's names. So I have to arrest you, but if you don't want me to just say no.
Ezra: That's not how arresting works.
Carson: Yeah, but you're not like anyone I've ever met when I have to arrest them. You're so nice and not trying to kill me.
Ezra: Well, you're not being mean to me.
Carson: I'm just trying to do this without any casualties. I'm not normally nice, at least not to many people.
Ezra: Well... I suppose I'd rather not be arrested. But...
Carson: But?...
Ezra: *Gets right in front of Carson*. You have to promise to come back tonight. You seem cool, I wanna hang with you.
Carson: O-okay. This may sound weird, but can you punch me? In the face?
Ezra: Why?
Carson: I have to make it look like you escaped.
Ezra: Oh, okay! *Punches Carson right in the nose*. Is that good?
Carson: *Stumbles back a little*. Yeah, yeah. That was a really good punch. *A bit of blood leaks from his nose*.
Ezra: Here. *Gives him a tissue from her pocket to clean the nosebleed*.
Carson: *Takes the tissue and starts cleaning the blood from his nose*. Thanks.
Ezra: When you come back tonight, don't come inside. My brother doesn't like visitors. Luckily, he doesn't mind if I'm out at night. He normally sleeps then, so he doesn't care.
Carson: Alright. I better get going, then. *Grabs his equipment and heads to the door*.
Ezra: Bye, Carson!
Carson: Bye, Ezra! *Leaves as he gets inside the truck and drives off*...

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