First impressions

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"This is going to be a piece of cake. Pfffft, five boys. When does this mission start?", you ask your boss. "Today, Agent Paul will introduce you to the boys as their assistant manager,"your boss says getting up and opening the door for you to exit. "Well you should get going your plane leaves at 2." "Bye Agent Lovus," you say exiting.

You call Logan,
Y/n: Hello, Agent Paul?
L: oh y/n and call me Logan because you know.
Y/n: yeah sure so Lovus told me that you're picking me u-
L:I kinda been outside for a half an hour
You look outside your window and see him leaning on his car.
Y/n: oh crap here I come
You hang up the phone
You grab your bags and run to the car. "So could you tell me about these boys?," you say during the ride. "Ok here's what you need to know. There's Corbyn and he has dirty blonde hair, jack really curly hair, zach he has really red cheeks, Jonah he has squinty eyes and Daniel has blue eyes and brown hair," "and try not to be super paranoid, just relax," he says. "Okay," you say Timidly. "You sound the exact opposite of relaxed," Logan says pulling into a driveway. "Just be cool."

Logan opens a door to their house and you walk in behind him. "WHERES MA BOIIIS", Logan screams. You see a curly headed boy running to the living room followed by four more. "There's someone I want you to meet, this is y/n , y/n this is jack, zach, Jonah, Daniel and corbyn," he says while you shake their hands. "Do you have a boyfriend?", Zach asks. "What if I have a girlfriend", you say squinting your eyes at him. "Oh sorry I um -" "I was just kidding" you say cutting Zach off.
'I guess that was a good first impression'

I spy (Daniel Seavey x reader)ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now