The Interviews

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Puss' P.O.V

I walk into the main room and see fiona in a red dress. I then see a small orange suit for me. I reluctantly put it on and get ready for the interviews.

Astrid's P.O.V

I am wearing a blue and orange dress, resembles Stormly's scale colors. Suddenly, a man comes out and leads me to the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the host, Theodore Stingston, announces loudly through a mic, "I welcome you, Astrid Hofferson, from District Berk!" the man shoved me forward and I took that as my cue to go on stage. I nervously walk towards Theodore, who wraps his arm around my shoulders. I get annoyed at that, but I don't shake them off. Thankfully, he removes it a few seconds later and I sit down on the white soft chairs.

"So, Astrid," he says, "are you prepared for what will and might happen in that arena?" I turn from the crowd to look at him.

"Uh," I say, "yeah, I guess im prepared, I have fought worse," Theodore smiles.

"I see," he says, "any allies in mind?" 

"I will be teaming up with Hiccup of course, but other than that, I don't know about any other allies,"

"FInal question," Theodore informs me, I mentally sigh in relief, "how did you train your dragon?"

"Just form a bond," I answer slowly, not knowing if I should answer or not. The audience remains silent, but than erupts in cheers and applauses. Theodore grabs my hand, makes me stand up, wraps his arm around me again.

"Astrid Hofferson!" he yells through the mic. I then leave the stage, passing Hiccup as I do. I give him a smile before I return to my room to watch the rest of the interviews.

Rapunzel's P.O.V

I wait patiently for my turn. I am wearing a light purple dress with some yellow on it. The small mantis ahead of me returns from his interview and I am lead away. 

"May I welcome you," Theodore announces loudly, "Rapunzel from District Tangled!" the crowd claps and cheers as I walk towards Theodore and sit down.

"So, Rapunzel," he says softly, "are you prepared for whatlies within the arena?"

I take a deep breath before answering, "Honestly, I don't think I am, but I keep telling myself that I will be fine," the audience remains silent for a few minutes.

"Okay then," Theodore says slowly, "Any allies?" I smile at that.

"Yes," I answer, smiling slightly, "Flynn and I have teamed up with District Guardians,"

"Thats nice," Theodore says, "so, how did you meet Flynn?" I am a bit taken a back by this question.

"Um, its a long sotry," I answer slowly, "and I don't think my personal life is your business," Theodore loses his smile and the audience remains sillent for a couple minutes, probably disappointed with my answer.

"Well then," Theodore says after a while and stands up, I stand up as well, "Rapunzel!" he yells through the mic and I exit hurridely.

Merida's P.O.V

I am wearing a tight dress, which I do not like. My hair was left untouch, though lightly combed. The stylists gave up after one bruch through it, which had many snarls and tangles. I see Ralph walk past me, looking a bit irratated. I am then escorted towards the stage. 

"I introduce to you," Theo yells, "Merida!" the crowd cheers as I silently walk towards Theo. His green hair looks like vomit. Its gross. I sit down and so does he.

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