I Had No Idea You Would Be So Important To Me

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Jack's P.O.V

I fly away from the camp. From the others. From Elsa, who is now on her knees cryng. I almost turn back, but I don't. The scene rolls through my head; "It is bascally saying our relationship would end soon," "J-Jack I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it, really," "You didn't make it sound like a joke,". I sigh as I land in a tree. I sit down and run a hand through my har, not knowing what to do.

"Looks like Jack Frost has met his match," a dark, familiar British voice says out of the blue. Pitch.

"What do you want?" I yell out. He steps out from behind a tree and grins.

"I want you dead," he says simply.

"That ain't happening soon," I tell him firmly.

"You thought so," he says evilly, "you must have forgotten that stab wound in your side. If it hadn't been for the fools Rapunzel and Elsa, you would be dead,"

"Why do you want me dead?" I ask, getting angry.

"We all have our reasons," he says, "and fears,"

"I don't have any fears," I say stubbornly, though I know that it is a lie.

"You're wrong, Jack," he says wth an evil smile, "you are afraid to be invisable, to be forgotten. But let's not forget the most important one; you are afraid to loose Elsa, which you already have," my eyes widen as I realize I did loose Elsa. What have I done?

"Ah, now you see," Pitch says, "the famous Jack Frost has fears,"

"And what is your fear, Pitch?" I ask, anger boiling inside me.

"I don't have any," he says simply, "I am the boogeyman,"

"I'm pretty sure you have some fears," I say, "we all have our fears," I then jump into the air and fly back the way I came. Towards the group. Towards Elsa.

Elsa's P.O.V

I walk away from the group, towards the base of the mountain. I sigh as I walk, feeling all alone. I hear a strange noise nearby. I look around frantically, more alert now. I see it. A black horse running at me. I shoot it down easily. Another one shows up and then another and another. Soon I have a bunch of horses surround me on all side. I am too far from the group for them to notice. start shooting them down one by one, but each time I shoot down one, more show up. All the sudden, they all turn to dust by snow. I didn't do that. I turn around to see Jack standing there, smiling awkwardly down at me.

"I'm sorry," he says. I hug him tightly, never wanting to let him go.

"I shouldn't have said that," I say, tears running down my face, "I missed you," he laughs softly and ksses the top of my head. He then lifts my chin up and kisses me. I smile and kiss him back. The kiss lasts for a a few wonderful seconds before I pull back.

"Well isn't that nice?" a voice says out of nowhere, "real touching," I turn around to see a man in black, even his skin was black. Is that healthy?

"Pitch," Jack says as he steps between me and Pitch. I remember this guy from Jack's story of his life. He is the Boogey-man, Pitch Black, "what are you doing here?"

"I'm was just taking a walk and I stumbled upon you two," Pitch explains with a smirk.

"Well, you have had enough sight seeing," Jack says, "you can go now," Pitch opens his mouth to speak but was shot at by Jack. Pitch glared at us before disappearing in black sand. Jack then turns to me and hugs me tightly.

"We should go back," he says, still hugging me. I nod, not answering as we walked back to the camp. We sit down next to the fire.

"Nice to have you back, Jack," Ralph says, handing Jack and I some cooked fish.

"Thanks," Jack says. I silently eat my fish. I feel not so lonely anymore, now that Jack is back.

Hiccup's P.O.V

Everything feels better now that Jack has returned. Well, not everything. Astrid is barely talking to me, but Merida is.

"So you train dragons?" Merida asks in awe.

"Yes," I say with a smile.

"Sounds fun!" She says. I see Astrid glaring at us. At Merida from her spot next to Elsa. Those two have become really good friends over the past few days.

"It is," I say. All the sudden, a familiar roar sounds nearby then a black creature with large wings and a red wing on its tail jumps out of the bushes and growls at everyone with its green eyes. Toothless.

"Toothless!" I say loudly and run towards the Night Fury. He sees me and sits down, wagging his tail across the ground, his eyes full of happiness as I hug his neck.

"Stormfly!" Astrid says as she runs past me towards her Deadly Nadder. Everyone is tense, some aiming at the two dragons with their weapons.

"What are they?" Elsa asks, walking towards Toothless, who growls at her. Jack stands and aims his staff at the dragon.

"Guys, this is my dragon, Toothless, he is a Night Fury," I tell them, "he won't hurt anyone," Elsa walks carefully towards my dragon and holds out her hand nervously. Toothless tenses before sniffing the hand. He then smiles his toothless smile and licks the hand, deciding Elsa isn't a threat. Elsa smiles as she stands next to him and pets him.

"Do you ride him?" She asks, noticing the saddle on his back, now ripped and torn.

"Yes," I answer, inspecting the torn saddle. Elsa smiles before going over to check out Stormfly, who lets Elsa pet her right away. Soon, everyone starts to look at the dragons in awe. Merida walks over and pets Toothless, smiling.

"This is so much better than fighting a bear," she says. I smile and see Astrid glare at us before turning back to her dragon.

"You fought a bear?" I ask her, shocked.

"Yes," she says with a faint smile.

"I fought a giant dragon," I say in a competitive voice. She looks at me.

"Alright," she says, "that sounds way better than fighting a bear," she laughs softly. I smile as everyone eventually goes back to their spots and fall asleep slowly, since it is late at night. I lie down next to Toothless, who curls up. Jack sits next to Elsa's sleeping form, with Astrid and Stormfly sleeping nearby, keeping watch. I fall asleep eventually.


Author's Note:

This might be shorter than usual, but I typed this on my Ipad so idk how many words are in this chapter. Sorry.

Thanks for Reading!


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