Searching For One Another

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Author's Note:

Before I start the chapter, I just want to tell you that the arena is certain places from the movies. But no all movies will have a spot from their movie be in the arena. So technically, there is no cornucopia. Just weapons and supplies located within the buildings in the arena. 

Enjoy the chapter!


Elsa's P.O.V

I stand on the balcony of the castle, staring at the forest below. Its been two days since we started the games and I have been bored the whole time. We have gone out looking for Rapunzel and Flynn and Toothiana, but we had no luck. We didn't go any farther than a mile away from the mountain. There has been no signs of Hans at all, which was good and bad at the same time. Jack is currently out searching for the rest of our team since it will be faster flying than walking, since I cannot fly. I turn around and leave the balcony, closing it behind me. I freeze when I hear another set of doors close and voices. M heart begins to beat when I realize that the ice castle has intruders. I quickly hide in the darkest corners and wait for the intruders to appear. After two minutes, they do. It s the tiger girl, bug guy, green girl and cat. 

"This is a wonderful place, so beautful," the tiger girl says. I open my mouth to say thank you, but I think better of it. 

"Tigeress," the bug says, "I think we should leave. Something doesn't feel right here,"

"Mantis," thhe tiger girl, Tigeress, argues, "this is a perfect place to stay! Its safe from anyone and no one will ever thnk on climbing a snow covered mountain,"

"Thank you for coming," I say, deciding to make myself known, "But I think its time for you to leave," I wait for them to leave, but they don't make a move.

"How did you get here?" Tigeress asks, narrowing her eyes. 

"I have been here before you even set foot on the mountain," I explain calmly, even though I was nervous and scared.

"Well whatever," the tiger girl scoffs, "We will let you show yourself out.  narrow my eyes. They are kicking me out of my own castle?! Uh, no! Who made this castle? Definitely not them! 

"No," I say, standing my ground.

The tiger girl turns and glares at me, "Excuse me?" she asks.

" made this castle, so its mine," I tell her, "so I am not leaving,"

"Well, you juist asked for your death," the tiger girl growls and croushes low on all fours. Oh no. She then launches herself at me and I reluctantly use my powers to shoot the cat into a wall nearby. The cat gets up and launches again. I shoot a bunch of snow at her and she hits a wall again and has a bunch of snow covering her. The mantis launches himself at me and I shoot ice at him. I hear a gasp and realize that the large ice chunks hit him. Then I hear ice falling onto the floor. I look over at the ice pile and see the mantis' body squished on a peice of glass. The tiger girl is now standing and sees the pile nearby. She notices her comrade's body on it and slowly turns her head to glare at me. She then launches herself at me and I am unprepared. I close my eyes and wait for death. But it never comes. I open them and see the tiger girl lieing on the ground. She stands up, glares at me, and leaves the castle. Her other two team mates don't move from the corner they are standing in. I look around and see Jack standing in the open doorway leading to the balcony, staff raised. I then look at the ice pile and see the mantis' body there, lifeless. I am then hit with full force of killing someone, one of my biggest fears. I gasp and cover my mouth with my hands as tears form in my eyes. I take a wobbily step back and then fall to my knees, one hand supporting me, and my head buried in the other. I close my eyes as the tears roll silently down my face. I have never said a word to the mantis, but I knew I couldn't live with myself for taking someone's life, Mantis' life. I hear voices but don't bother to listen to them. I then feel arms wrap around me and being pulled towards something. I don't need to look up to know that it is Jack.

Tigeress' P.O.V

I am beyond furious and deeply depressed. Mantis was killed. Killed by Elsa. I will get revenge. I will avenge Mantis by killing Elsa. I freeze when I hear leaves russling and sticks crackng. I look around and see a man in tights, a white jacket with red hair and red sideburns. I draw my sword and glare at him.

"Why not?" I ask, glaring at him.

"Because I can help you kill Elsa," he explains.

"How can you?" I ask, not knowing whether to trust him or not.

"Because I want her dead as well," he says, "trust me," I look in his eyes and see honesty in them. I lower my sword and sighl.

"Alright," I say.

"I'm Hans," the guy says.

"Im Tigeress," I tell him and he smiles.

"Let's go to a safe secluded spot to make plans on how to kill Elsa," Hans says and walks off. I nod and follow Hans. I will finally avenge Mantis.

Jack's P.O.V

I am huggng Elsa, who is still crying. I don't know what happened here, but I could tell from the wreck that it was bad. I was just looking for Rapunzel, Flynn, and Tooth when I got a bad feelng and flew as quick as possible back to the castle. That is when I see a tiger launching herself at Elsa, who is standing there, eyes close, looking as if she was waiting for death. I raised my staff and shot some some snow at the tiger. Now I am sitting her, hugging Elsa to me, trying to comfort her as best as possible. After about ten minutes, Elsa pulls away and sits down, her eyes red from crying.

"Elsa, what happened here?" I ask quietly, "and why were you crying?"

"A group of people-animals entered and demanded to have this place. I said no and the tiger girl attacked me, well, tried to. I hit her with snow twce. Then her friend a Mantis tried to attack me and I shot ice at him, which squished him against the wall and killed him. Then the tiger girl saw it and tried to attack me, and you know the rest," she says softly, not looking at me.

"Why were you crying?" I ask cruiously.

"Because I killed the mantis," she says, tears forming her eyes again.

"Els, you killled him in self-defense," I tell her, "you shouldn't be ashamed of your self," she looks at me, a hurt expression on her face.

"Don't you see?" she says desperatly, her voice cracking a bit, "my biggest fear is killing someone. And that nightmare has became a realty," I look away from her and sigh.

"Why don't you get some sleep?"  I tell her, she nods, stands and lies down in a corner, hugging herself. Though she doesn't show it, I know she is quietly crying. I stand and grab my staff and walk out to the stairs and sit on the railng staring at the first floor below.


Author's Note:

Dramatic chapter! But there is a lot more to come! 

Thanks for reading!


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