Jack was in his office doing work and The Doctor was talking to Ianto when suddenly there was a loud clanging noise coming from the kitchen, everyone ran to see what was the matter and all they found was Gwen (that's a character from torchwood right??) standing and staring in horror at the far wall.
Jack called her name and as soon as she turned around, she looked completely fine.
"Sorry just dropped the soup pot." She said casually.
"Are you sure you're okay? Because when we walked in here you looked like you had seen a ghost." Jack stated, confused. The Doctor slowly looked down and found a marker in his hand and about ten tally marks on the back of his hand."Jack, we need to get out now."
"But Doc, theres nothing-" Jack saw The Doctor staring at him and looked at his hands. There were upwards of 30 tally marks scattered over his arm, his sleeves rolled up, for more space. The marker was now in his possesion. "Everyone just stay calm. Walk to the tardis, we need to go. now.""What are these bloody marks?!" Gwen said, her voice cracking a little.
"We're dealing with an alien race with the power to erase their existence from your thoughts the moment you look away from them. The only reason I remember is because I had their information transferred onto my memory."
"Now, everyone please, into the tardis." Everybody followed The Doctor's orders and filed into the tardis.
The moment she stepped inside, Gwen turned around facing the console and screamed. When she turned around again, the three men were all staring at her.
"What are you lot staring at?" She said confused again.okay well that's all for now, sorry this chapter is suuuuuuppperrrr short but i really should sleep now so goodnight! (or morning depending on where you live)