Chapter 2

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One grabbed me by my hips and lifted my up. The other covered my mouth. They were caring me to a van. I started to panic so I tried to get out of their grip but it was no use. I felt one of them punch my stomach really hard. It caused me to stop moving but instead I started to cry. My stomach was throbbing and I could feel my life shattering into pieces. What if they never let me go? What if I never see my friends again? What are they going to do to me? They chucked me in the van and we drove off.

My heart was going triple its speed. My whole body was heating up. After a while I realised I had been in my own world, crying my eyes out. I calmed down and slowly opened my eyes. I saw four guys just staring at me and another one driving as well. They all started to introduce themselves. I was pretty shocked on how nice they were being. A few minutes ago they kidnapped and punched me and they are acting like were just people who met each other at school or work. The first one spoke up first.

"Hi, I'm Beau," he said.

"I'm Luke. Beau's younger brother," the next one said grinning.

"Hey, I'm Jai. Luke's twin" he said with the cutest smile I had ever seen.

"Hi, I'm Daniel, but everyone calls me Skip.

"And I'm James," the driver yelled out. They all just stared at me for a few seconds, but to me it felt like hours.

"Well," Beau said.

"What?" I asked

"Aren't you going to introduce yourself?" he asked.

"Oh, yeah, my na-me is E-Emily," I stuttered. Both of the twins

We all got out of the car and walked into the house. It was a medium-sized house. It was rendered in a cream colour. The grass looked very green and there was a small water fountain. We got to the front door. I stood there waiting for them to find the key. The door was dark brown and wooden. Beau finally found the keys and opened the door. We walked in and the first room was the kitchen. I was very modern but it wasn't lounge room on the other hand was old and messy. Beau came up to me and shoed me to my room. He showed me the door then left me to open it myself. I opened the door to my room. I was disgusted by what it looked like. The walls had holes in them. Most of the paint was coming off as well. There was no bed, just an old mattress on the floor. There was one thin brown blanket on top of the mattress. There were no windows. There also was an old rocking chair, but that was it. I don't know how I'm going to live here, but there was still one thing hanging in my head. What do they even want from me? I lay on my 'bed' and after a few minutes I fell asleep.

im gonna do short chapters or else my story is only gonna have 3 chapters

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