Chapter 4

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Luke's P.O.V

Leonardo and Kate were in the middle of a very passionate kiss. I looked down at Emily, who was trying to avoid my eye.

"Emily, you know that I love you to the moon and back," I said

"Luke, I love you more than the sun shines." She replied.

"Wait, what?" I asked confused. She couldn't really love me.

"I don't think I love you Luke, I know it," she said. I was overwhelmed. I couldn't stop smiling.

"Then will you be mine? I asked.

"Of course," she replied smiling. Just then I leaned in towards her and soon enough our lips crashed. It was amazing. I've never felt this with anyone else before.

Emily's P.O.V

It felt like fireworks exploding inside of me. I'm so happy that Luke is my first boyfriend and my first kiss. I just knew I found the right guy. I can't believe my first love was my kidnapper. After the kiss we both went back to watching the movie. Maybe being kidnapped wasn't such a bad thing. A few minutes later my eyes were getting heavier. I tried to stay awake because I really didn't want this moment to end.

Luke's P.O.V

I looked down at Emily. Her eyes were shut. She looked so peaceful and innocent.

"Sweet dreams Emily," I whispered in her ear. I turned the movie off and pull the blanket up to cover her. I went on Twitter for a while then decided to just go to bed.

Jai' P.O.V

The boys and I were in the pub. Since I was the one driving I didn't drink much. We finally finished there and we all got in the car to go home. When we got home all the boys ran to their rooms except me. I was going to watch some T.V before I slept. Just then I saw Luke and Emily, cuddled up in a blanket sleeping. All the sudden I felt jealousy, stabbing me right in the heart. I don't know why I was even jealous. I think I was falling for Emily. I hope that they/re not an item or anything. I know I have treated some girls like trash, but I knew she was the one I wanted.

Luke's P.O.V

I woke up and found Emily still on my chest. I didn't want to wake her up so I just sat still and watched her sleep. After a few minutes, I carefully grabbed my iPhone, which was on the table right next to me. I checked my messages and saw one from my friend Billy

Want to hang out later. I replied with

Sure, I'll come over at 2pm.

It was already 11am. A minute later I heard my phone ding.

Bring the rest of the boys too

Ok. No worries. I said.

Just then Emily's eyes started to open. I could see trying to get used to the light.

"Good morning beautiful," I said cheerfully

"Hey, how did you sleep?" she asked

"Good thanks. Oh and the boys and I are going to hang with our friend Billy later. Want to come?" I asked

"Uh. I think I might stay and rest a bit," she said

"Ok and by the way you not a prisoner here anymore. This is your house, if you want it to be. You can go back home any time you want," I explained, hoping that she wouldn't

"I don't want to go anywhere. Life here I much better than my old one," she said. They way that she said 'old home' made me know for 100% she lives here now.

"I love you to the moon and back," I said holding her waist and dragging her close to me.

"And I love you more than the sun shines," she said placing her hands on my shoulders. I leaned closer in, crashing my lips onto hers. Knowing that she has never been in love or had a boyfriend before was hard to believe, because she was so good at making me want her more and more.

After a bit of kissing, she pulled away to start making breakfast for the boys and her.

"You know that you don't have to do anything for them anymore," I said.

"I know. I just feel like being nice today. Since when did making breakfast become a crime," she said smirking.

"Ok. What are you making?" I asked


"I love pancakes. I'll help," I said

"Ok," she replied.

After we finished, we went to wake the boys up and make them happy, by giving them pancakes, before we tell them were together. We got them all up and they came to have breakfast. They all came to the dining room and dug in straight away. I noticed Jai staring at Emily. I hope he doesn't have any feelings for her because that might cause some drama.

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