Chapter 6

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Jai's P.O.V

I heard someone crying and screaming coming from Emily's room. I immediately got up and went to her room. Then I heard her screaming out my name. I knew she was in some kind of danger, so I ran in and found a drunken Luke, with his fist about to hit her.

"EMILY!" I screamed out. I ran over to Luke and punched him in his area, making him let all to the ground. Emily ran over to me, crying but also smiling because I had saved her.

"Run into my room and lock it," I said to her. She immediately left. I walked over to Luke.

"Luke, you don't understand how precious Emily is. Treat her right and if you hurt her, I will hurt you," I stated. I was about to leave to go to Emily, when 2 arms grabbed me. I turned around and Luke was ready with his fist out in front of me. Before I could duck he punched me right on my nose. I my nose was in a world of pain. I held my nose with my hand. It was all red because of the blood. I kicked him, but then he punched me in my gut. He tried to punch me again I blocked it and punched him again in his privates. I guess those boxing lessons helped.

Emily's P.O.V

I ran into Jai's room and locked it just in case Luke tried to get in. I lay on Jai's bed, crying and crying. After a few minutes I heard someone knocking on the door. I was too petrified to go and open it. Then a voice called out,

"It's Jai." I ran to the door and opened it for him. I starred at his face. He had a blood nose, which didn't look like it was going to stop bleeding any time soon. He also few cuts on his arms, but his eyes looked like he was scared but he was trying to stay strong.

"Try to stay away from Luke when he's drunk. He gets really angry easily," he said

"Thank you so much for being there for me Jai," I said with a sincere smile.

"No worries just come to me whenever you need anything," he said.

"Ok and thanks again," I said

I stayed in Jai's rom all day. We talked and laughed and told each other everything. All our secrets and all the things that has happened to our families and all things they put us through. Jai's dad actually left there family when Beau was 2 and the twins were born. I don't know why were so open to each other. I don't feel wired or scared to tell him anything. On the other hand, I felt really uncomfortable Luke things about me and my past and after what he just did, I don't know if I still love him. I think I might just stay with him for now till he does something wrong again.

"Uh Jai," I said

"Yeah," he replied.

"You know when you really love someone every time you see them you get that feeling deep down inside you," I said.

"Yeah," he said looking at the floor.

"I don't really feel that with Luke anymore. I feel it with you," I said looking directly in his eyes. His face lit up immediately. He looked up to me and started to lean in to kiss.

"Jai. I can't do this yet. I don't want to cheat on Luke, but I don't think we will be together for much longer.

Jai's P.O.V

I can't believe she likes me. ME. But if Emily and I start going out Luke would hate me. This is so hard, but even if it was a crime for Emily and me to be together, I still would. I love her way too much to just let her slip out of my fingers.

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