Chapter 3

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I woke up from the sound of the boys yelling. I didn't want to see them, even though they were being so nice to me. They did still kidnap me, but not all of them scared me. Luke and Jai looked like really nice people. Even though I haven't talked to them yet, I still think they will turn out to be nice. After a few minutes someone knocked on the door.

"Come in," I said tiredly. Skip walked into my room.

"We're waiting on our breakfast," he said kind of annoyed.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"What do you think we brought you here for? You're our slave" he said smirking. Now I understand. They point of me being here was to be their slave. I never imagined in my life I'd become a slave. I absolutely hate being told what to do. This is going to be hard.

I went to the kitchen so I could make them whatever they had. When I got there I saw Luke already there with some bacon and eggs on a plate. I assumed it was for him, but when he saw me he immediately told me to sit down and eat.

Luke's P.O.V

I had to tell her the truth so she didn't think that I'm a monster like the rest of the boys. When she walked into the van I couldn't stop staring at her. I knew I had to have her. She was just so beautiful.

"Emily, I think I'm falling in love with you, I know we just met, but it feels like I've known you for a life time" I confessed.

Emily didn't reply to me for a while. I knew I should have waited a few more days. She probably thinks I'm really wired for saying I loved her. She looked really uncomfortable. Crap I really should have waited. Then she finally spoke up.

"Um, well, I've never had someone say that to me, but I think I like you back. I just don't think I'm ready to get into a relationship yet." Well at least she doesn't think I'm a creep.

Just then Beau came out wearing a red tank top, with some blue shorts.

"The boys and I are going bowling Luke, you want to come?" he asked

"Nah, I think I'll pass this time," I replied. After all the boys left it was already midday. They were probably going to go and get drunk. So they're going to be back around 2am. This gives Emily and I some time alone. I can get to know her better know and she can learn more about me.

We both sat down on the couch. It was really awkward for a while till I finally decided to speak.

"Do you have any family?" her face immediately dropped.

"If you don't want answer, its ok," I said quickly.

"No no, it's alright."

Emily's P.O.V

I told him everything. My dad leaving and my mum drinking. He just sat there holding my hand, looking directly in my eyes, listening to everything I was saying. I don't know but being with Luke, I could just tell him everything, even though he was a stranger, who recently kidnapped me. I think I'm really starting to fall for Luke. Yep, that's it. I'm in love with Luke Anthony Mark Brooks.

He started telling me about the things he went through. As I was listening I realised he had experienced some similar problems to me. His dad left him when he was only 2. He lived without a dad for nearly his whole life.

"Well enough of talking of sad thing. Let's do something fun." I said

"How about a movie," he replied.

It was already 6pm. Luke ordered pizza and I started to make popcorn. Half an hour later the pizza arrived and I had made just enough popcorn for 2 movies. Luke picked '21 Jump Street' and I picked 'The Titanic.' We started watching '21 Jump Street.' Luke grabbed a light blue blanket and we both snuggled in together. Half way through the movie I put my head on Luke's chest. I don't know why but it felt so fight. Once the movie finished Luke got up and put 'The Titanic' on. We returned to our position.

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