Chapter 5

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Jai's P.O.V

She's so perfect. I watched her squeezing some maple syrup on her pancakes. It might be wired, but even her squeezing a bottle looked cute. I'm so in love with her. I hope she isn't feeling anything for the other boys.

Emily's P.O.V

"Oi, boys listen," Luke started.

"You can't treat Emily like a slave anymore,

"Why?" Daniel asked.

"Because she's my girlfriend," Luke replied smiling at me.

"Oh ok, congrats," Daniel said grinning. All the other boys were congratulating us and smiling, but Jai. He just sat there looking down to the floor, playing with his fingers. I don't know what was bothering him. Was it something I said? Oh well I'll just ask him another time.

Jai's P.O.V

Damn it. I should have made a move before Luke did. All the other boys seemed pretty happy. I couldn't be around them now. I just stood up and walked to my room and sat on my bed and just thought about everything.

Luke's P.O.V

What the hell. What's gotten into Jai?

"Anyways, Billy wanted me to tell you guys to come to his house at 2," I said.

"Yeah sure. It's 12 now so I'm going to go and rest till then," Beau said walking towards his room.

"I'll go tell Jai," I said. I walked into Jai's room and found him on his bed texting someone.

"Oi Jai, the boys and I are going over to Billy's. Want to come?

"Ah, not today," he said not making any eye contact with me.

"Are you ok? You seem pretty pissed," I said.

"I'm ok. Now can you please get out of my room," he said.

"Oh yeah, no worries. Bye," seriously, what's his problem?

The boys and I arrived at Billy's house. We just walked in because he never locks the door. We found Billy on his couch with a bottle of beer in his hand.

"Hey boys," he said half sober.

"Hey," we all responded,

"You guys ready to get drunk," he kind of slurred. We weren't expecting this but we all said ok.

Emily's P.O.V

Most of the boys left, only Jai stayed back. I hope the boys don't do anything stupid. I went to the living room and jumped on the couch. I turned the T.V on. I straight away found my favourite show, 2 Broke Girls. I just kept watching and laughing nearly every second because it was so funny.

Jai's P.O.V

The boys are already gone. I decided to go find Emily and tell her how I felt about her. I got out of my room and found her watching 2 Broke Girls. I didn't want to disturb her so I sat in the kitchen and watched her watching the T.V. when she laughed I had Goosebumps all over me. After it finished I walked in to the living room and sat on the couch opposite her.

"Hi," I said nervously.

"Hey," she said smiling.

"Um, you didn't look very happy earlier," she said.

"Yeah, um. That's what I came to r=talk to you about. I know that you and Luke are together and all but I kind of fell for you too. I'm trying to stop these feelings so you and Luke a=can be happy, but I can't hold it in any longer. I don't want to be the reason you and Luke beak up," I explained.

"If you ever need anything or any comforting I'll always be here for you," I continued.

"Well, um. Thank you, a lot," she replied

"Ok, I'm going to go right now," I said awkwardly.

No, please don't go. Stay with me," she pleaded. I was surprised that she wants me to stay with her.

"Ok," I said happily.

We talked for hours. Laughing, singing and even dancing. We both had the same favourite song, we both loved Peperoni Pizza. We just had so much in common. We decided to just be friends, but I know she will always have a place in my heart.

Emily's P.O.V

Jai is so sweet and funny. We have so much in common. I just want to be friends with him. I told him we should be friends, but I don't know if that ='s all I want to be with him. Yeah sure Luke was amazing, but we didn't have the same connection like Jai and I did. I think I've fallen for the wrong twin. No, I can't of. Luke's my first and only love, right?

At around 12am, I was in my room playing Flappy Birds, when I heard the front door open. I had a mini heart attack because it scared my, but then I realised it was just the boys. I heard them talking a bit loud, but they weren't yelling. I was about to open my door when it flung open and Luke barged in. he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me closer to him. Usually I would have found this romantic, but today it felt different. When he pulled me to it, it was by force, like I had no choice. I could smell the vodka in his breath.

"Kiss me," he slurred.

"No Luke, you're drunk," I said backing up. I didn't want to kiss him while he was drunk.

"What did you say?" he said looking down at me slowly stepping towards me. I kept backing up, but he kept coming closer. It was starting to scare me a bit. I didn't know what he was going to do because he was drunk. He clenched his fist. At this point I was really freaked out. I started to scream and cry.

"JAI!" I screamed out knowing he was the one who would always be there for me.

A bit of a long chapter

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