Chapter 2

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A/N I am slowly going through the reviews, but am trying to get updates out before the pain gets worse. Which it has started to do today, hopefully, will ease off.


"Hi, boss man, Tony." She chirped happily. "What do you need me to do?"

"Abs, I need to make something clear. You cannot tell anyone about what we are about to talk about. If anyone finds out, who I haven't told you will be reprimanded."

"I wouldn't tell anyone." She sulked.

"We need the voice recordings from the terrorist case between the times of–?" He glanced over at his SFA.

"Two and three."

"What do you need me to listen for?" Abby eyed Tony suspiciously.

"DiNozzo asking for backup."

She placed her hand on her hips and glared at the younger man. "What did you do?"

"Abby!" Gibbs warned.

"No, he's out trying to cause problems for Timmy and Ziva. He's become so standoffish and never wanting to be around us."

"Stop now. Are you okay Tony?"

"I don't understand. Abby, I don't know what they've told you, but all the times you went out I was never asked. I didn't refuse to go. I thought we were friends, you've known me longer than both of them. Here you are not even giving me the change say anything. They lied to you." He turned to Gibbs. "I think it's best if we get someone else to help us. She's obviously biased, and I don't trust her to keep quiet."

"How dare you?" She screeched and moved to hit him on the shoulder.

Gibbs took hold of her wrist to stop it from landing. "I agree I'll call someone in. Remember Abby you cannot tell or even imply anything to them. If they find out, we know where it has come from. I'll make sure Vance knows, and I'll never forgive or trust you again." He stopped for a moment and then leaned closer to her. "If you raise your hand to ever hit anyone here in NCIS you'll be in more trouble than you can take. It's not a habit I want you to get into and think it's okay. Before you start again DiNozzo is not the villain here; he's the victim. I never want to see you treat one as an enemy again. I don't know where these things are coming from Abby, but I don't like it."

"Fine." She pouted; Abby would just wait because nothing would come of this. Gibbs would have to apologise and eventually she would accept that after a certain amount of begging. He would never forgive Tony.

"I know the perfect person; she's an exceptional tech. I told you about the Balboa case."

"Yes you did, give her a call."

"I bet it's because you slept with her," Abby muttered and flushed with embarrassment as she realised she spoke aloud.

"Really Abby." Gibbs shook his head in disgust.


Samantha walked in and smiled. "Hello Agent Gibbs, Agent DiNozzo, what do you need me to do?" She glanced briefly over at Abby who was sat down and seemingly sulking. She ignored her and waited for someone to explain. It was unusual for Gibbs to request someone else if Sciuto was available.

"Thanks for coming Sam. I told the boss man about the exceptional work you did on the poisoning case for Balboa."

"Thanks, Tony, but you were the one that had us looking in the right direction."

"Go team." DiNozzo held up his hand so Sam could high-five it.

"What do you need me to do?"

"DiNozzo took some voice prints during our last case. We need to listen to them from all devices connected his, the one Ziva and McGee had and the one from the vehicle that picked up anyone coming to the car and all from a particular time 1400 hrs."

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