Chapter 3

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"Tony, I want you to escort Miss Darieux home. Do your best to avoid McGee and Ziva."

"I'll do my best; there is someone Amanda wants me to meet. She said with everything going on; she can't help me personally but knows the perfect person. A meeting is going to be arranged, and she did mutter something about getting a sword."

"When you go back to your apartment pack up some clothes, casual and work. Bring your portable TV/DVD thingy and some films. I don't know how long you'll be staying at my place."

"I'm sorry about all of this." Tony waved his arm around, which Gibbs grabbed.

"What are you sorry for?"

"If I hadn't been the clown maybe they would've respected me more?"

"This is not your fault; it doesn't matter what you did or didn't do. You could be the greenest or laziest agent. It doesn't matter they were your back up, that was their job, and they failed at doing that. In the future whatever form this team takes the SFA will be treated with more respect." Gibbs paused. "I'm sorry Tony; I should've made sure they were written up as soon as they'd started playing up."

"Well, we both learned something from this experience."

"Yes, we have." There were so many things that he would make sure happened in the future.


Tony sat back down at his desk. He'd finished off some old paperwork while he waited for Amanda to finish her interview. He could feel McGee and Ziva glance over. It was a damn shame that he hadn't managed to leave without seeing them. It was clear that they were confused; nothing had been said since he arrived back. To be honest he had nothing to say anyway. It was a good thing that Gibbs had decided to take this further, there was no way he could trust them. Tony maybe immortal, but they don't know that. If it had been any other agent, they would all be mourning the death of a colleague. This situation had to be dealt with and to make sure everyone knew that this kind of action was not allowed with NCIS. No matter your personal feelings you always had your teammates back.

"Thank you for coming to see us Ms..." He smiled at her glared. "I'm sorry Amanda."

"It was my pleasure; I'm glad I could help."

Gibbs walked over to them. "Agent DiNozzo if you're ready."

"Of course, Amanda if you ready to leave?" He grabbed his gun, coat, and rucksack. "See you soon boss."

Gibbs nodded, and the walked over to his desk to get his report together.

Ziva waited until Tony had left before she started to talk. "Where did Tony go?"

"He's doing his job."

"What exactly does that mean?" She snapped being out of the loop was something that she hated. Something was off, and Ziva had no idea what that was, and she hated that feeling.

Gibbs turned and stared at her coldly. "When did you become an NCIS agent and promoted to my boss? At what point did I start having to run things past you?"

"You don't," she stuttered, "I was just concerned."

He couldn't reply to that not without losing his temper. "Are your reports completed?"

"Yes, boss." McGee stood up and walked over to hand it to him. Ziva was right behind him.

Gibbs glanced over at the clock. "Grab some lunch, when you get back if nothing has come in, start working on cold cases." He watched them get their gear and leave. He knew they would go and see Abby first. He hoped that she kept her mouth shut; it still shocked him at what they had done. As he flicked through the files, he noticed that they had been creative enough to cover the time gap. Gibbs added Tony's and his report to the pile and then headed up to see Vance. This was not going to go down well.

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