Chapter 6

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Amanda couldn't help herself she laughed at the little girl who believed she was the most dangerous woman to exist. "Aww, sweetheart, you are such a child."

Ziva frowned at this strange person; this was not the reaction she expected. She didn't like being talked to in this way and just as she was about to reply her cell went off. It was her father, after the last conversation it couldn't be anything but trouble.

It was just the distraction the immortal needed in an instant Amanda had the knife in her hand and had it against Ziva's throat.


"You're a child and need to stop playing this game; your arrogance will get you killed. There will always be something more deadly than you and being able to adapt is key. You're not equipped for it, you are rigid in what how you think and what you do. Leave while you have the chance." Amanda wanted to warn her off Tony but knew that would cause more problems. The others would arrive soon, so she needed to get rid of her unwanted guest.

"Why should–." The cell went off again, "I'm only leaving because I have more important things to do." She held her head up high and her hand out, the weapon was a gift from her father.

"Oh, I don't think so. I'm keeping it as a souvenir."

Ziva glared at the other woman and as soon as Amanda moved out of the way the Mossad operative stormed out. Amanda's laughter followed until the door closed and blocked it from her.


Methos frowned as he heard the names Michael Rivkin and Eli David and that the former was confirmed as an immortal. It was something Gibbs couldn't be wrong about. He grabbed his cell and looked through his notes section. "Damn it."

"What's wrong?" Amanda glanced at her friend with worry.

"I believe Eli does know about immortals."

"How do you know?" Gibbs asked suspiciously.

"Tell them." She urged it was clear where this was going, Amanda had seen this look on his face before.

"No one else can know this."

"We promise," Tony answered immediately and turned to glare at Gibbs when there was no reply from him.

"Very well, I promise." He reluctantly agreed.

"Adam Pierson is one of the names I use. The watchers know me by it, as a co-worker."

Amanda laughed. "I can't believe you became a watcher."

Methos saw the look of confusion on both men. "My name is Methos. I'm the oldest immortal alive; I'm over 5,000 years old. I have contacts that let me know that Eli David and Michael Rivkin were asking about me. It didn't click until Just now; I received a message to let me know about them. I think David does know about us."

"Why you?' Tony asked.

"My knowledge or the power boost for killing me, either way, it has something to do with my head."

"He's confirmed that there is at least one immortal is here now, me. We have no idea who else he knows about? What's he going to do next?" Gibbs wanted to know.


Ziva slammed her fist down onto the table. Her father was not happy. He'd found out about her lies and told her to keep out of things: she'd only bring trouble to Michael. What was he doing here? Why hadn't she been informed? It made her think of what that Amanda told her. Did her father think she was not good enough? There was only one way to find out, and that was from Michael, it would be easy to seduce it out of him.


Michael laughed as he hung up. Ziva had thought she was irresistible and tried to get information from him. Her attempt had been heavy-handed; there was no sophistication to it. She was still an amateur and had never taken on-board any constructive comments. She believed that everything she did was already perfect. It was time to forget her; he had a job to do as he turned and stared out of the car window and waited for his target.


"Thank you, Joe, and you were right I should've been straight with them from the very start. I'll update you again soon," with that Ellie put down her cell. She'd noted anything that might be of help to the immortals. She shook her head. "I'm working with the people I should be watching." There wasn't time to worry about that now, she had an update to give, and Amanda was her first call.


They all left the hotel at different times. Metros stayed in the nearly empty bar and made a phone call. It was time to send 'his people' on another mythical Methos chase. He'd passed on information that he was in Egypt. It would keep them busy while he helped out here. It was handy being the watcher who's expertise was...well, himself. When they found out an immortal had pretended to be one of them, but not just anyone, but Methos. He hoped someone filmed it and sent a copy to him. He'd ask Joe and see if that could be arranged.


As soon as they walked into the house, Gibbs locked it behind them.

"Tony, I think you should go away. Somewhere you could be safe."

"I'm not going anywhere." He looked at Gibbs' face and could see the worry and something more. So much had happened, many things had changed. "Damn it." He took a few steps forward and pulled Gibbs into a kiss

Gibbs wrapped his arms around the man he loved and deepened it. They were meant to be together.


"Yes, sir... I'll do it straight away Director." Michael smiled as ended the call. It was time to find out what DiNozzo's genuinely made off.


Vance closed the file that was on his desk. The final decisions had been made, and he would let the people involved know. Gibbs would be the first one to be informed, but that could wait until tomorrow. He was going home to see his wife and kids.


Ellie Bishop struggled, but she couldn't free herself and because of the blindfold, had no idea where she'd been taken or who her abductor was.


Tony's face was pale. "You need to call Amanda and Adam." He still couldn't think of the other immortal as Methos.

"What's going on?" Gibbs asked.

"Michael Rivkin has taken Ellie, and he wants to meet me. I think he plans on taking my head."


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