Chapter 7

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A/N Thanks to the beautiful Nacole for going through this.


Amanda and Methos walked in.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"Rivkin called, he has Ellie and wants to meet me."

"Did he challenge you?" Methos demanded.

"No, why?" Tony looked confused.

"If it's a challenge no one can interfere," Amanda explained.

"Why didn't he do that then?" Gibbs wasn't going to risk Tony.

"My guess, if he's working for Mossad, then he might want Tony to work for them. If he says no, then he'll take his head." Methos shook his head.

"I'm not going to agree to that. I guess I'm going to fight him."


"Gibbs, I'm not going to let Ellie die."

"I don't want you to die." He shouted, it wasn't something he usually did, but this was too important.

Just then his cell went off again, Tony answered it. "Yes, hold on." He mimed that he needed pen and paper. He didn't want to give away any information on the people that were with him. Michael might already know, but he wasn't going to risk it. Amanda walked over and placed a notebook and pen on a table. He smiled and nodded his thanks. "I'm ready." Tony wrote down an address, but before he could confirm the details, Michael had hung up.

"Well?" Methos asked.

"It's the address of where he wants to meet me. As soon as I'm there and he sees me, he'll release Ellie."

"He's not going to do that," Gibbs argued.

"He still hasn't challenged you?" Methos just wanted to make sure.

"No, he hasn't."

"Let's split up I'll go with Tony, Amanda, it's you and Gibbs." He held up his hands to stop any argument. "Look Tony and Gibbs know the area better than we do they're also federal agents. Amanda and I are the older Immortals." He ignored the glare she sent his way. "It makes sense for us to split up."

"Fine," Gibbs answered finally, and the others nodded in agreement.


"It won't be long Ms Bishop, Mr DiNozzo will be ours, or he'll be dead."

"Look you don't need to do this, no one has to die."

"You are wrong about that, if he does not plan to work with me, well" he shrugged "one more immortal for me to come after later." Michael smiled at her, "a few more years of experience and you might have made a good watcher."

"You said you would let me go."

He laughed. "Did you really believe I would, such naivety, I will deal with you after DiNozzo is with me or dead. I still might need you."

"You seem very confident that you'll come out the winner?"

"Of course I will, my opponent has only just stared to train, he can't beat me." Michael laughed as he walked away.

"Please don't come." She begged and wished she could tell him that. Ellie didn't want anyone to die on her account. She shouldn't have been involved in the first place. All she could do now is to wait and see.


They had separated and came in from different sides of this large abandoned building. There was a conference room in the centre, which was where Tony and Michael would meet.

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