Chapter 4

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Michael had done some recon as soon as he reached Washington, DC. His job was to find out how much Agent DiNozzo knew and then eliminate him. Just like Eli, he had doubts about how factual the information had been. If DiNozzo had found out about the files that meant Ziva had been careless. Unlike the Director, he believed Ziva would lie to further her own agenda, in so many ways she was a David at heart. This was a woman who looked after what was most important, herself

He heard a noise so he quickly moved into the darkness and around a corner to make sure he couldn't be seen. Intel was the most important thing. Michael had over the years kept immortals alive, the weakest ones, the cowards; they were also the ones that managed to collect information. It was the way they survived. He had one such informant here. He always liked to find out what was going on and to see what they knew about others in the area. A power boost was always a good thing.


The large man paled. "What do you want Rivkin?" He stuttered.

"It's none of your concern. What I do want from you is information, who's around?"

"That bitch Amanda, I was about to take her head when some idiot stumbled in and wanted to be a hero. I left but stayed close enough to hear what was going on. It turns out he's one of us."

"Did you get anything more?" A new immortal would be easy prey.

"Heard him say, Tony, I think he's a cop or something, he mentioned back up."

Michael just stared; it couldn't be, could it?

Henderson started to fidget, was this it? Was his head finally going to be taken? He'd fought against this immortal before, and it hadn't been a fair fight. The other man's skill was so far beyond his. Just then a cell phone was shoved in front of his face.

"Is this him?"

"Uh yeah, that's him."

With that Michael turned and left. Tony DiNozzo was immortal. The information Vance had was in fact correct. Ziva obviously had left him without back up otherwise she would've known that something had happened. Her father had never told her about immortals; it was a secret that Eli liked to hold close to his chest. He was going to have to tell Eli about this. What were they going to do with Ziva and DiNozzo?

There was also this Amanda person; he was going to need more information on her.


Eli was livid with his daughter. How dare she lie to him? He would wait and see how far this lie would play out. On top of that Ziva had embarrassed Mossad by ignoring her training. Their reputation was at stake, which meant she would've had to be punished.

"What to do about Agent DiNozzo?" Eli muttered to himself, taking his head would be a last resort. If only there were some way to encourage him to work for them, it wouldn't be the first time that he had 'persuaded' someone to join their cause. An immortal American agent would be perfect. DiNozzo was also a great investigator, which is a skill a lot of his operatives never had. This could end up working out well for him.

They would definitely look into Ziva now. He needed to end this quickly, maybe some information could be leaked, and they would pick up his beloved daughter. She, of course, would do anything for her father. This would also teach her a lesson, once he knew that Ziva had understood the mistake she made he would help her escape.


Amanda glanced into the window of a clothing store and stared at a beautiful full-length dress. It was very much her style.

"Choices." She whispered to herself buy it or steal it. As she turned away from the window a flash of blonde hair caught her attention. She pulled out her cell phone and pretended to use it and managed to catch a photo of the person following. Gibbs or Tony might be able to find out who this person was. It was essential to find out why Amanda was being followed. Was it her life as a thief or because of the immortality thing? If it was the latter that could cause some problems, there was no extra sense, so this person was just a human.

Joe was also someone else she could contact and find out if they had anyone following her at the moment. You never know what the Watchers were up to.


Joe put down his phone and stared out of his window. He wanted to go and help Amanda, but that would only draw more attention, and that was the last thing that was needed. All he could do was pass over the information he had found. What she did with it was up to her, but he hoped that she would take his suggestion.


Adam laughed as he ended up straddled Tony's waist.

"I'm definitely going to lose my head." He muttered.

"You're getting better, don't lose hope. Sword fighting is a new skill. I can promise you that you're not useless at it. With more training, you will become quite skilled. He shook his head in amusement at the look of doubt that was aimed at him.

"I'm not sure about that, but I'm willing to give you the benefit. Again?"

"Very well, but I should warn you that you're going to hurt tomorrow. You're using muscles you generally don't use, and they are going to complain, loudly."

"It's a good thing I have some time off then." Tony grabbed the hand that Adam held out and was pulled to his feet. He liked the immortal; there was something that drew you in. He was also lying about something, no idea about what though. Even with this lie Tony still trusted him. Amanda and Adam had become good friends. He hated the fact he was unable to see her much but did understand. This immortal thing was too important and had to be kept secret.

Ziva and McGee had to be punished for not following procedure, as pointed out if he hadn't been immortal he would've been dead. As an ex-cop, the idea of not being there for his partner horrified him. You needed to be able to trust those with you in the field. With everything that had happened, he was glad that Gibbs was on his side. I also helped that he was an immortal as well.

"Concentrate." Adam snapped and hit him on the arm, hard.

"Sorry, ready and concentrating, oh my great Yoda."

Yes, Adam liked the other man, but at times wanted to strangle the smart ass, but people said that about him at times. He raised his sword and got ready to fight.


Amanda snuck around a corner and waited. Whoever this person was they were amateurs. As soon as the blonde headed woman walked past, she reached out and pulled the very shocked woman into the dark alleyway.

"Who are you? What do you want with me?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about?"

"I have photos of you following me; I could give them to the police or my new friends in NCIS?"

"I work for the NSA."

"Really and what does the NSA want with me?" Amanda knew there was more to this story.

"Nothing." She sighed. "My name is Ellie Bishop, I'm a Watcher," Joe told her that she should've come clean as soon as it was clear she had been spotted. Her mentor believed in Amanda so she would have to as well.


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