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{sometime after TEG, established relationship. They're like 17 around this time}

"Lucy! Hush! George will hear us!" Lockwood hissed at me with a smile as I giggled and pulled him along the hallway, past the guest bedroom, past George's room, finally getting to Lockwood's room. He had stumbled on the stairs in his rush to follow me and I was having a tough time keeping it together.

George had long since gone to bed, hopefully, and me and Lockwood had just finished up with some rapier training, that always did seem to get him going.

He smiled and wrapped his long, slender arms around me as I backed up into the bed. Falling backwards, he followed and leaned over me.

Meeting his dark eyes, I could see that the Lockwood I knew was slowly fading out of view. He was no longer the smiling, charming boy who chatted happily with Arif as he bought doughnuts, but he was turning into the Lockwood you would see on cases, eyes dark, adrenaline pumping, strong moments and quick words.

He slowly leaned down to connect our mouths softly, his warm breath washing over me, he kissed down to my neck and I shivered. I could taste him on my lips, he tasted warm. Like tea or maybe cinnamon.

A hand snaked up under my shirt, running over my rib cage and caressing my side.

A small whine of "Lockwood" escaped my lips. I felt him smile against the crook of my neck and begin sucking a mark there. I would have to wear a turtle neck for a while.

I went to undo his button up. It was off within seconds and soon he was pulling off my shirt as well.

Our breathing was heavy, moving together we kissed slowly and deeply. Warm hands on tender skin.

A hand was moving up below my skirt, pushing it up and massaging my inner thigh. The other pinned one of mine above my head.

He sat up to take his pants off, now he stood in only his boxers. I was in my lacy bra, underwear, and skirt. I sat up and he crawled back to me, sitting against the headboard.

I scrambled to sit on his lap. Straddling him, I felt one hand move up to my cheek. He kissed me then, a slow soft kiss at first, but it soon moved back to the rough breathless pace it was at before.

Slowly grinding down on him I felt him tense up, he was definitely hard.

I smiled at my discovery and reached a hand down to palm him. Soon I had him whimpering and moaning quietly below me.

Then my bra was of, and I was below him again, being kissed roughly into the soft mattress. The hand that wasn't pinning me down was slowing taking of my panties, the black lace falling forgotten on the floor. At some point during all of this he had also taken his boxers off and put a condom on. I looked down at myself, I guess we were leaving the skirt on.

I could feel him on my thigh as I writhed about under him.

"Lockwood, p-please" I gasped between kisses.

"Shhh" Maybe I was being loud, but I really couldn't care less. George be damned, I knew what I wanted and I wanted it now.

And with the soft familiar click of a lid, a quick movement and a gasp on my part, I had it. Lockwood was gently pushing at my entrance.

"You still sure about this Luce? You know we can stop anytime" He breathed the words into my ear.

"Oh god Lockwood please don't stop" I moaned back. And with that, he was slipping into me.

I could feel him twitch and shudder, I know he wanted to go quickly but for my sake he stopped himself.

"Oh Luce"

I winced at the burn, even with the lube and the slow pace it still was uncomfortable at first. It always was.

He leaned down to kiss me while I adjusted and we were soon panting against each other.

"Move" It was so quiet I wasn't sure if he even heard me, but then he was pulling out, only to thrust back in, making me gasp.

He continued, slowly picking up the pace, but not long after, he was slamming into me with great force.

I let out a little yell each time and I could hear the head board hitting the wall.

The wall that connected to George's room I might add.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Oooh!"

He continued his ruthless pounding, and I could do nothing but scream and moan.

"Oh! Anthony!"

He was suddenly going with renewed passion, one hand going to push down my hip. I angled with him and accidentally sent him slamming right into my G spot.

I positively screamed.

I could feel the familiar heat pooling between my legs and soon I was orgasming, contracting around Lockwood, still thrusting in and out of me.

He went right through my orgasm and kept fucking me through the bliss. I could feel the corners of my vision going black before he finally came.

Pushing into me one last time, he came with a shout.


I blinked groggily, trying to recognize my surroundings. It took me a second to realize I was in Lockwood's room. The warm sunlight washing over our entangled bodies. I'd been waking up here often lately, and that meant awkwardly running into George on the landing with tousled hair and getting a cheeky smirk. "Nightmares again Luce? Always running to Locky to cuddle with eh?" I hadn't ever told him otherwise, that I hadn't ended up there partway through the night with a cold sweat in months. He always teases us about it, me sleeping in Lockwood's bed so often.

Little did he know, sleeping wasn't really the focus at all when I was in Lockwood's bed.

But, we haven't gotten around to telling him about our relationship yet, he would get all fussy and claim we were leaving him out all the time.

As I got up and slowly picked my clothing off the floor, I had a flash of memory from last night.

Me writhing under Lockwood, calling his name, screaming out into the night.

His little warnings when I got to loud, then is completely forgetting about George. George, who was just a wall away the whole time.

After pulling on my panties and buttoning up my shirt I stepped slowly out onto the landing, looking for that bespectacled face.

He was nowhere to be seen. But, I could hear the quiet clinks of crockery in the kitchen.

Trying to smooth down my hair I stumbled in. Holly smiled cheerily at me.

"Tea Lucy? You look tired. Did you not sleep well?"

"Uhh" I had slept, but I was absolutely exhausted. From both rapier training and my... activities... with Lockwood.

"Tea would be lovely, and I'm just tired from a case" She looked at me quizzically as she filled the kettle.

"I didn't think you had any cases last night" Fuck. Uhhh...

"Oh, last minute thing, just me and Lockwood, lots of, uh, exercise" She passed me a cup of steeping tea, and I sat at the table.

"Oh okay, well, make sure to get lost of rest tonight"

I nodded at her.

My eyes scanned the thinking cloth, over Lockwood's little terrible doodles and George's notes.

I lazily looked over the shopping list, written in Holly's neat cursive.

One addition however was clearly added in George's messy handwriting. I blushed and choked on my tea when I saw it.


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