that pink, lacy, monstrosity

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(Omg y'all I'm pumped we got our first request! They messaged me from my profile, please feel free to do the same or leave a comment!)

Prompt: awkwardness and awkward first kiss

(This may branch into slightly fluffier territory but I'm
sticking to the prompt cause y'all will know I'm a people pleaser)

"Hey Luce!? It's dinner! George made soup! Luce?" I trod up the stairs to Lucy's bedroom, I could hear music playing. I guess she couldn't hear me calling. I knocked on the door. Nothing. I turned the knob and with a click her door opened. I was immediately surrounded by the scent of her perfume. It was simple, vaguely floral yet musky and earthy. I breathed it in as I scanned the room, but my breath caught in my chest when I saw her.

I snapped my eyes shut and stepped swiftly back out of the room.

"Sorry!" I hurriedly choked out. I stood on the landing with my head hung waiting for her to yell at me for barging in. Barging in on her, clad only in lacy, strappy, pale pink lingerie. The image was burned into my brain. Her, with her beautiful pale curves splayed out on the bed, dark hair playing around her face. The afternoon sun filling the room with pink light to match her clothing, what little clothing she had on.

But yet, no outraged cry came.

Oh, that's why she was on the bed, she was sleeping. Sleeping... I could look again if I wanted... no! Anthony! You're her boss! Her friend! You can't stare at her in her underwear, however lacy it may be.

I could feel my heartbeat in my ears, my face was flushed and... oh, oh god no. My pants tighter than usual, it seems like my face isn't the only place blood is rushing. Fuck, Anthony, think sad thoughts.

After a moment of standing there I called to Lucy again, knowing George would be getting impatient.

"L-Lucy?! Uhhh, wake up! D-dinner's ready!" I heard a groan from her room.

"Time to wake up" I heard her rustle and I immediately shot down the stairs, eager to be away from that awkward situation.

One awkward situation. Lead to another however.

That was one of the worst dinners I've ever sat through, and the soup wasn't even bad. It was me and Lucy. I was trying to look calm and collected but couldn't look at her without remembering the scene from upstairs. And her, with flushed face and awkward movements avoiding eye contact with me.

We barely said a word the whole time, just listened to George rant about lord know what.

I left quickly, and excused myself to the sitting room.

But, to my dismay, as I was trying to distract myself with books and magazines, distraction #1 knocked on the door frame.

"Lockwood?" She asked, quiet and testing.

"Yeah?" I half coughed. I could see a pink strap on her shoulder.

"The uh, the skull said that when you uh, came to get me for dinner that you might have seen..." She trailed off, still leaning against the doorway.

"I'm so sorry Luce, I should've been louder. I should've knocked. I apologize sincerely, that was extremely inappropriate for me as your boss to just walk in on you. It won't happen again" I looked at the ground, a shameful look on my face. I really did feel bad about it.

"Oh. Hey, Lockwood it's fine, it's really my fault. I didn't mean to fall asleep, let  alone in that.. oh god. That, uhhh. I don't... I'm not... usually... gah. Holly convinced me to buy it. I, I didn't want you to think... I'm so embarrassed, god"

We were both ruby red. She had moved to sit on the other side of the couch, her face now in her hands.

"Lets agree not to worry about this? I mean, we both seem in woe about all of this..." I suggested, trying desperately not to look at her shoulder where I knew a pink strap lay.

"Sure... sure. I'm sorry you had to see... see..." She trailed off wincing.

"Why are you sorry... it's not like I walked in on you doing some horrible satanic ritual. You were just sleeping" I chose my words carefully. It really wasn't that horrible seeing Lucy, except for the guilt.

" 'just sleeping' , like I wasn't wearing some horridly revealing pink monstrosity. I'm sorry because you had to see me in it. I'm not exactly one of those girls from those magazines, Lockwood don't play dumb" I looked at her in shock, She was apologizing for her body? What because she didn't look like a photoshopped conventional idea of beauty? But Lucy is beautiful.

"Luce... don't, don't say that. I scooted closer to her. "You don't have to be like that to be beautiful, you're Lucy and I wouldn't want you any other way. You should feel comfortable wearing whatever you want, you're amazing as you are" Is that to forward? Oh god thats to forward isn't it. Smooth Anthony, like a girl from months and blow it in a night.

"Lockwood..." She half giggled, turning to look at me. "Did you just call me beautiful? " I looked at her wide eyed and open mouthed. My face flushed and hot.

"Uh" I looked at her and she giggled. She scooted closer to me and our legs bumped.

"Lockwood... you didn't... you didn't like that pink thing on me? Oh my god you did..." She giggled. What is with girls and giggling?

"Lucy I..." I was about to make an excuse or blab some bullshit about professionalism when I was cut off.

Cut off by Lucy leaning in. My eyes fell closed. Right when I expected our lips to touch, the moment I'd been waiting for for so long.. we both turned the same way and our noses collied. With surprising force I might add, for the slow speed we were going.

And back the giggles were, on both parts.

"I thought that would go a little better, maybe a tad more romantic" Choked Lucy through gasps of laughter.

I laughed with her and eventually put my hand on her face and helped guide our lips together, smiles still on both of our faces. 

"Hey Luce" I said quietly after a moment.


"Don't uh, get rid of the pink thing"

She kissed me again.

(Short little fluffy dabble, do you guys like a mix of fluff and smut? or should we keep to smut? I dunnow! Vote, comment whateves my dudes. Love ya)

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