Danger danger

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Um... hey, uh, I exist, wow, it's been a while. I'd just like to say thank you for all the reads? You guys are insane!! <3 <3

(This was a request from the lovely @sobearity !) (Also I got a super sweet message from @Bella_Krystyna ! Go check out her Locklye story Delilah! *theres smut!* And don't be afraid to message me! I'd love to chat!)

(This is after The Empty Grave, pre relationship. I guess this would be cannon compliant too)

It had been a few days since Lockwood had given me that necklace. It's a long story but I'm still trying to get him to open up, I want nothing more in my life than to be close to him, as close as I can get.

But, even through his progress he's still distant as always.

It's hard. I don't know what he's thinking, where his thoughts are. If he wants me like I want him.  It's driving me insane not knowing.

I watched him now, walking the halls of a quaint and seemingly quiet home.  We were on a case, and even with the new knowledge we have on the problem, and the steps DEPRAC is taking to fix it, it's still that. A problem.

His footfalls were soft and mine followed quickly behind. His rapier in hand he pushed open the last door on the landing, we had cleared all others.

There was nothing there, the experience as anti-climactic as any other in this house. The wallpaper hung sadly on the walls of the small bedroom, an embroidered set of sheets nicely tying the floral grandmother aesthetic together. Listening to my inner ear, I heard nothing. No whispers, no tapping of ghostly fingers, no eerie laughter. Silence.

Wait, was that... no. Just Lockwood inspecting the dresser.  A sense of slight unease settled over me, but surely that was just me. I'd been feeling off since that walk.

"Hear anything Luce?" He asked quietly. slender hand swiping dust from a hand mirror.

"No, and temp is normal" I added, checking my thermometer from my belt.

"I don't see anything either. No death glows, no miasma either, or creeping chill" I bit my lip and he turned around. Pacing the room.

"It seems clear, but we should stick around a little longer, you never know if an apparition is tied to a certain time" He looked at me, an air of concern sweeping his face.

"You alright? You're looking a little uneasy. Should we head out? Do you feel something? " He stepped closer to me, sheathing his rapier in his belt.

"I... Lockwood" What better a time than now? It seemed a stable environment, and we were away from the prying ears of George and Holly.

I reached to grasp at the necklace under my shirt.

"What does all of this mean Lockwood" He looked confused and stepped closer to me, close enough for me to see all the shades of brown in his eyes twinkling in the low light.

"All of what Luce?" I looked at him, silently begging him to understand and just take me in his arms. I took a shaky breath.

"This, this necklace. The cryptic talks, the looks and glances. I don't understand Lockwood. But I hope, I hope you want what I do. I just don't know how to get it from you, I'm not a wraith Lockwood, I'm a girl. So talk to me damn it" In that moment I saw so many of the emotions he was trying to convey. He looked at me and I saw in his face, the real, raw Lockwood. There were so many voices speaking in my head, It felt like I was drowning, drowning in Lockwood and I was only a wave, crashing against him.

Smut: Lockwood and Co editionWhere stories live. Discover now