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(Hey! Side note before we start, please please please give me prompts yall! I wanna know what kind of of smut (and maybe even fluff) you want to read! I was thinking maybe some bondage, I feel like lockwood's the type, maybe some riding, you know. The works. But if you have a specific scenario or kink, I'll do my best! Feel free to let me know, whether by comment or message. Onwards!) ( Oh also the song I had thought of as playing while Lucy was Practicing was Blood in the Cut by K.Flay )

(Spoilers for Hollow Boy)

It was late, I had had a boring day and far too much caffeine. With George away for a bit visiting his mum and Holly doing god knows what, it had just been me and Lockwood in 35 Portland Row today. We weren't doing much, I polished the rapiers, filed some cases that Holly hadn't gotten to, the likes. Lockwood was lazing about, reading his trashy magazines and looking aimlessly out the windows at the September scenes.

I felt cooped up, agitated. My foot was tapping and I couldn't focus on the wraith I was writing about. I drained my tea, probably my fifth cup in the last hour or two, and got up. Making tea was something to do with my hands but with nothing to do, I got a little carried away and was buzzing with energy.

Walking quickly to the Rapier room, I grabbed my newly polished rapier and quickly put on some music. Loud, loud enough to drown out thoughts and allow for focus.

My feet danced across the wood flooring as I whirled around and jabbed at Floating Joe. My hair was wild, my knuckles gone white gripping the handle, and my heart was pounding.

Little shouts and grunts filled the room as I slashed and jabbed. I was in my element, my eyes were alight and I could feel a small smile on my face as my blade swished across the room.

"Nice one Luce. Was that a Daley Maneuver?" I whipped around to look at Lockwood. He leaned against a doorway, smiling and running a hand through his hair. God he looked so hot.

I mean, when didn't he.

"Yeah, I've been practicing my butt off but I think I've almost got it" He stepped towards me.

"You're really close, you just need to adjust... here," He snaked his arms around me, moving an arm forward and the other back.

"And put your hips like this, stand your ground," His hands moved down, resting gently but firmly. I could feel his breath on my neck, his front lightly pressing against my back.

I shivered. Did he notice?.

"You cold, Luce?" I could hear the smirk in his voice. He pressed closer.

"Do you... need me to warm you up perchance?" He was talking against the side of my neck, I leaned it to the side and he kissed it lightly.

I exhaled shakily. My head was spinning. But I wasn't about to stop what was happening.

One of his hands moved upwards, skimming under my shirt and up my side. He kissed harder into my neck.

"Lockwood," I breathed.

"Mm?" He pulled my closer to him and my heart beat picked up even more.

"Please never stop what you're doing right now" We stood like that for a minute more, my breath picking up until he stopped. He stepped around to look at me.

I looked up into his eyes, they were dark and warm, kind, and loving.

"I thought I told you to never stop ," I smiled.

"It was just so I could do this," He brought a slim hand up to my cheek and leaned in, connecting our lips. Mine were chapped, and I felt bad. But his were so soft and sweet as they moved against my own that I really didn't care.

He kissed me like he loved me. Tender and soft. But it soon picked up, it changed. He kissed me like there wasn't any time - he kissed like fire. His mouth opening to meld together with mine. He kissed me like I had imagined him doing so many times.

I felt my back thump against the wall. When did we move? When did I put down my rapier?

He kissed me hard into the wall, one hand back at my side and the other in my hair. Mine were around his neck.

I felt so awake.

My heart beating from the tea, the practice, and now this. I felt like I was about to catch fire.

I lost track of what was happening for a moment, and the next my legs were wrapped around his waist, his strong thin arms supporting me and the wall against my back. Lockwood sucking a hickey into my neck. I let out a small choked moan. God I'm glad we're home alone. He lifted me from the wall, at least a few hickeys showing around the neck of my sweater.

Oh god the sweater. It was much to hot to have a sweater on.

When he set me down on the table in the corner I stripped it off. Leaving me in only my black bra and shorts. Then Lockwood was unbuttoning his shirt as well.

Then we were kissing again. Less clothes, less restraint, and a shit ton more enthusiasm.

He stood between my legs, one hand on my back and the other massaging my chest, I could feel the warmth swimming through my body. The delicate hum between my legs. I had a hand in his hair and I tugged him back. He looked at me wild eyed and messy haired, a stupidly happy grin on his face.

"You know Lockwood, you're a mighty fine kisser, but I have a small feeling that this would be a whole lot more fun for the both of us without your trousers."

A glint caught his eye.

"I think you might just be right Luce. But yours are coming off as well."

He stripped, leaving himself in only his tight black briefs. They didn't hide much, and I could tell plain as day that he was enjoying this just as much as I was.

Then he was turning to me, lightly kissing my neck and moving his hands down. Down, down, and then they were slipping under my shorts and the lacy panties underneath. Slowly pulling them down of my thighs. I moved to unclip my bra. And then, there I sat. Feeling exposed and oddly warm. And he moved closer again, slowly grinding his still clothed crotch against mine.

My back arched, he moaned into my mouth.

I decided I would also return his favour, feeling I shouldn't be the only nude one. I started to pull his briefs down, Lockwood soon kicking them off.

And then we were naked, our bodies hot, every touch exploring and warm. It felt so right.

He kissed me with fervour, and to my surprise and pleasure, started to slowly run his member through the heat between my legs. Never entering, just sliding past. I moaned and he picked up his pace. It all felt so good, so hot. Time passed, slowly and quickly all at the same time. My lips were red from kissing and biting, and my neck was littered with small purple bruises.

He moved to suck on my neck again, just by my ear under my jaw. He was still keeping the pace of his rutting.

"Oh god Lockwood!"
He moaned at my words.

I was getting close, I could feel myself pulsing. I was getting so lost in the intense pleasure.

"Oh! Anthony!" I shouted as I reached my high.

He quickly followed, crying out my name and shuddering in my arms.

We held each other for a moment and my head fell onto his shoulder. My brain was fuzzy with pleasure, a goofy, tired grin on my face. It was a touch unclear for me what was happening then. I remember Lockwood cleaning me off with a cloth, blushing a little in embarrassment I think. I smiled at him, climbing tenderly off the table and slipping on my under wear. I put on his button up shirt, but I was feeling tired and light headed. Then he carried me up to his room. He brushed my bangs away from my eyes and kissed my forehead.

"Maybe we should practise together again sometime" He mumbled and I smiled up at him.

"I think that sounds like a mighty fine idea Lockwood"

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