New territory

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(this one's for @_joancarlyle_ they've been bugging me for updates so ~finally~ here you go!) 

(side note: please please please leave a comment or message me for something you'd like to see! i'm up to write just about anything, au's, kinks, whatever! love y'all!)

"You.. what?!" I spluttered and leaned back to look the girl on my lap in the face.

Lucy hurried to correct herself.

"I mean only, only if you want to, uh we don't ha..." I cut her off with a kiss.

I slowly tried to bring back the heated atmosphere of a few seconds prior. I had been giving Lucy a hickey with her on my lap and our hands in somewhat comprising places, when she decided to whisper in my ear.

"I want to suck you off" It was bold, blatant, and out of character. It had shocked me.

I pulled away from her and shushed her.

"Shh, of course can. It just surprised me. But only if you want to Luce, don't feel like you have to. I'm good with just this until you're ready" We had so far not gone much past touching and kissing. This was new territory, but I was more than excited at the thought.

"I'm ready"

We kissed for a little longer, but soon she was moving to undo my pants.

"Is this still okay?" She fumbled with the buttons, and I nodded; brushing a hand through her hair.

She took me in a hand then, and began tentatively stroking me. Occasionally glancing up to make eye contact, there was a sort of nervous determination balanced on her features. 

She dipped her head, brown hair falling to cover her from sight, but my head was thrown back in pleasure. It was absolutely the best feeling I had ever experienced when it happened. It was so warm and soft, but still delicate. I wanted more, I needed more. 

It was almost like she could hear me. She moved to take more of me in, and my whole body began to squirm and buck. This warm fuzzy feeling was intoxicating and it was all Lucy, my Lucy.  

With a small pop and a groan on my part she smiled up at me, on hand still wrapped around me. 

"Grab my hair again," she said, giving a light squeeze, earning an involuntary thrust into her hand. "You can move too if you like, don't worry about me, I can take it."

With that, she was back working her magic. I grabbed a fist of her hair, revealing her face, mouth stretched around me, cheeks flushed with heat. Just the sight of it was almost too much. I bucked into her mouth, hitting the back of her throat. Worried, I looked back to her, but finding her giving me as much of a smile as she could, I stopped holding back. I held her head in place, feeling her swirl her tongue around me. Then, with stars in the corners of my eyes I began to push myself into her mouth, relishing in the absolute bliss that radiated from her to the rest of my body, all the way to my fingers tangled in her hair. 

There were tears pricking at the corners of her eyes as my pace picked up, gradually working to hit the back of her throat with each thrust. It was a beautiful, she was beautiful, looking up at me the whole time. There was that heat pooling in the depths of my stomach, one I knew only from the rare times I was left alone in the house. I tried to warn her as I could feeling myself building up, thrusting faster and harder, eyes squeezed shut and toes curling. It was right there in front of me, so close so... I came with a cry when I felt her throat clench around me, moaning into my ecstasy. I wasn't prepared for the feeling of her swallowing around me, sending fire into my stomach. I felt like I could melt into the bed right there, but when she came back up to look at me, such a sweet innocent look cast on her face, the only think I could think about doing was grabbing her face and kissing it. She was so beautiful, so beautiful. 

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