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Word count: 710~
Warnings: Just a few things mentioning really big change and not dealing with problems properly. Roman is gonna be a hero ok

Dear reader,
sorry this is short, Im burnt out from the last two stories and I used a prompt for this one (credit to sanders-au on Tumblr). School is eating me alive, and we barley just got back. I'll try to write something longer soon

Regards from your friendly some might say sensible writer,


And so Roman ran. From what? Who knows. Would he survive? Who cares. As far as he was concerned, he was a coward who didn't deserve a crown at all.

Maybe...maybe Virgil was right. Maybe Roman wasn't a good person just yet. And maybe Patton was right. Maybe Virgil is the true hero. And maybe Logan was right. Maybe Virgil was just misjudged.

He took his crown off his head and observed it. It was clearly out of Roman's league, with emerald and aventurine stones placed carefully on the golden headwear. So, he set it on the top of his closet which where it would collect dust. And maybe in a few years time, he would take it down again, dust it off, and wear it.

And maybe Roman's own doubts were right. Maybe he wasn't a real prince at all. And maybe, just maybe, hiding behind a confident, saccharine shtick was nothing but a facet of a personality who was broken.

He then yanked a red bomber jacket, a white shirt, and black skinny jeans from his closet and slammed the door to his room shut. He changed, and threw the prince costume into the dark corner of his closet. He hoped to never see the bright outfit again. Roman tore the old photo of just him, Patton, and Logan off the wall and also threw it away.

A sudden knock scared him out of his thoughts. So, Roman did what he does best. Put on a fake smile and pretend everything is alright. "Yes? Who is it?"

"It's me. Dude, Thomas isn't feeling confident at all. You've gotta come out of there," Virgil said impatiently

When Roman heard Virgil's voice, he felt a small, genuine smile replace the fake one. So at least one of the other sides cared.

"Uh, yea of course. Could you get the others too? I want to take a group photo. All of us, together," Roman requested sheepishly. 

"Of course I can. I'll be right back."

Roman took a deep breath. This was it. This was his brand new start. From now on, he wouldn't be in the spotlight all the time. He would let Patton — the person he looked up to as a father — have control. He would let Logan — the person he felt like was his nerdy older brother — have control. He would let Virgil — the person who he cared deeply for but would never admit it due to his own shameful pride — have control. Roman vowed to give everyone a chance. And despite what Patton's apparent concernes could be, Roman was giving himself a second chance. He was giving himself a chance to be the best person he could be. He was giving himself a chance to be better.

But something didn't feel quite right. He was planning to be a hero, sure, but something that Virgil said to him stuck out.
'I'm not evil!'
'Says who?'

Virgil had a point. Even if the anxious trait spat with no venom at the time, Roman kind of was a villain in many ways. Hurling insults at Patton, Logan and Virgil (none of them deserved it), and making Virgil disappear...he shuttered at the thought of Virgil leaving again. For some odd reason, Roman didn't like that idea. Not just for the sake of their host, Thomas, but for the sake of the sanity of the others. Yea. That's why I don't want him to go...I don't want the others to worry and we all definitely don't want Thomas to die, right?

The Roman who stood in the middle of his room was different now. He wanted to be the true hero in the best possible ending. Half of him desperately wanted to call this whole change thing off and put the prince attire back on and crawl right back to being miserable, but the other half was happy and giddy. Excited to see what the others would think of his more laid back style. Excited to smile for real. And most importantly, he was excited to give all the other sides second chances. Especially the one who he thought was evil. He would be the first one Roman would apologize to.

After all, a real hero believes in second chances.

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