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Word that Ren was staying traveled throughout the house quickly. When dinner time came, Olive was nearly bouncing in her seat. "I can't believe you're actually going to stay! I set up your room next to mine." Ren giggled at her enthusiasm. "Wait, you're staying? For good?" Enoch asked and Ren could hear the surprise in his voice. She nodded and grinned at him.

Enoch sat in silence for the rest of the meal, not that anyone really noticed. He couldn't believe that Ren actually decided to stay with them. Especially since Jake had refused. Throughout dinner, Enoch's dark eyes kept wandering to Ren, then to Olive, then to Miss Peregrine. Miss Peregrine gave him a knowing smile.

Enoch wasn't sure what was happening to him. He hadn't felt such a depth of emotion for a long time. Not since Emma. Every time he looked at Ren, he felt a sensation in his stomach that he wasn't used to. "Why do I feel like I'm going to throw up? But in a good way?" he thought to himself and immediately shook his head. Only he would turn a positive feeling into something weird like that. When she looked up at him, he quickly looked away. Ren's brows furrowed, but she turned her attention back to the conversation around her.

Ren's first night in the house was a restless one. It was hard falling asleep in a new place, especially when not everyone seemed pleased that you were there. Ren wasn't sure why her thoughts kept wandering to the dark-haired Scottish boy. Sure, he was physically attractive and slightly mysterious, but Ren couldn't really like him. Not like that. Could she? She shook her head. "No," she whispered, "I'm helping Olive. Olive loves him."

A knock on her door pulled Ren out of her thoughts. "Come in," she said. To her amazement, it was Enoch who opened the door. "Hey, Enoch. What's up?" Enoch stood in the door way, hands in his pockets, staring at her. He didn't answer at first. "Enoch, you can come in. I don't bite." He sighed and wandered a little further into the room. "You're really staying then?" Ren arched a brow.

"Yeah, I'm really staying." Enoch looked up at her and was almost startled to find her green eyes already staring at him. "Why?" Ren brought her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. "Have you ever felt like you don't belong? Like you're meant to exist somewhere else? Like you're meant to live in a different time or place?" Enoch snorted out a laugh. "Of course."

"That's what I've always felt. Every single day until Jake dragged me here. I feel like I belong here with Miss Peregrine and Olive and the others. And with you." Enoch slowly came over and sat down on the bed. "I'm sorry for what I did earlier. I didn't know you felt that way." Ren smiled softly. It was nice to see this side of Enoch. The not so sarcastic side. The side that cared for the people around him. "It's okay, Enoch. I just want you to remember that I'm not here to hurt anyone and that I want to be your friend."

Enoch actually smiled at that and it nearly took Ren's breath away. His smile was beautiful. She couldn't help but want to see it more often. Their eyes met and Ren's heart fluttered in her chest. Internally, she cursed herself. She wasn't supposed to be falling for this guy. Not when her new best friend had feelings for him. She couldn't do that to Olive.

Ren cleared her throat. "I should try and get some sleep. It's been a long day. I'll see you in the morning?" Enoch looked confused, but nodded. "Good night, Ren." He left the room and Ren flopped back down on the bed. How on earth was she was supposed to sleep now? The guilt was eating at her, true, but she also couldn't fight what she was feeling for Enoch.Groaning, Ren pulled her blankets up over her head and tried to ignore the moments she'd shared with the dead riser that day.    

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