Save Us

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Enoch wanted nothing more than to break down the door. "Why would he take, Ren?!" he growled, surprising everyone around him. Olive frowned slightly. She had suspected Enoch liked Ren as more than a friend, but that just cemented it for her. She wanted to be upset, but she couldn't. Ren was her friend and Olive knew she hadn't been trying to take Enoch away from her. She'd been trying to help. Olive decided she would talk to the two of them later, after they saved Ren.

"Her peculiarity," Jake whispered, but he didn't elaborate. He knew there was a Hollow around and that had to be the first priority. Miss Avocet was in the middle of giving instructions when she was suddenly snatched away by an invisible force. Well, invisible to everyone except Jake. Enoch, in his rage, decided that rushing the monster was the best idea. Jake snatched up the crossbow and shot at the Hollow. Enoch scrambled to his feet and ran away.

The children all ran toward the attic. They had to get out of the house first if they had any chance of saving Miss Peregrine and Ren. Enoch helped get the children out of the window. He slid down after Fiona and held his hands up so little Claire could slide down to him. "Are we going to get Ren?" Claire whispered to him. Enoch nodded, a look of pure determination on his face. "Yeah, we are."

Enoch wasn't sure when it had happened, really, but he had actually fallen in love with Ren over the past couple of weeks. He knew that some people might think he was moving too quickly, but he had been alive for so long. He knew what love was even if it didn't seem like it. Ren had been right. He cared a little too much and, when you care too much, it hurts. He had put up a front to keep himself from getting hurt and Ren had torn that down. He knew that he had to get her back, if it was the last thing he did.

The children all scurried away from the house down to the beach. "How are we supposed to get to Blackpool?" Jake and Emma exchanged a glance and all of them soon found themselves diving deep under the sea, swimming toward a shipwreck. Enoch kept hold of Claire's hand until the ship was no longer at the bottom of the ocean.

"What did you mean that Barron took Ren for her peculiarity?" Emma asked when everyone was dry and the ship was heading for Blackpool. "He disguised himself as my psychiatrist. I may have mentioned some things about my childhood, including Ren's peculiarity." Enoch clenched his fist. It was Jake's fault Barron had taken Ren. All Jake's fault.

"What does he need with a preserver? I can understand the Ymbrynes, but not Ren," Olive questioned. She placed a hand on Enoch's shoulder. Enoch glanced back at her with a glare. She wasn't helping. Finally, Jake answered her question. "He needs her for the Ymbrynes. That's the only thing that makes sense."

"But she said her peculiarity doesn't work on people." Enoch shook his head. "But if the Ymbrynes are in bird form, they aren't people, are they? If they stay in bird form, Ren can preserve them for as long as Barron wants," he fired back. He was tired of talking. He wanted, no needed, to do something. He turned to walk away. "Enoch, wait. We need your help to come up with a plan."


Ren's heart was pounding as Barron hooked her up to the machine. "Do you like it? It was a last minute addition just for you. I need you to keep these peculiars alive for as long as possible. Do that, and I won't feed you to my friends." Ren fought against her restraints, trying to attack him. He simply laughed and walked out of the room. Ren's eyes went to the Ymbrynes in the cage in front of her. "I'm so sorry, Miss Peregrine. I promise, we're going to get out of here," she said softly. She closed her eyes and prayed that someone, anyone, would save them. "Enoch, Jake, Olive...please, save us."

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