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Ironically, time passed quickly in the loop. Ren found herself spending most of her time with Olive, who spent most of her time with Enoch. There were times when she felt like the third wheel, but Olive did her best to include Ren in everything they did. She really got to know Olive and Enoch, although Enoch only really opened up when the two were alone, which Ren tried to avoid. She didn't want to risk liking him even more.

Ren wasn't sure how long had passed before she saw Jake again, but it happened to be the same day Miss Avocet was well enough to change back into herself. Ren followed behind Miss Peregrine into the parlor where Miss Avocet was sitting. All the other children were gathered around as well. Miss Avocet described the attack on her loop in Blackpool and continued on talking about some kind of machine.

"He's using more Ymbrynes. He still wants to be immortal," Enoch said. His arms were crossed over his chest and the tension in the room rose in an instant. "Do Hollows only attack peculiars?" Jake asked. "Of course not. They're monsters, Jake." Jake cast a glance at Ren. "There were some sheep slaughtered on the island. You don't think they're here already. Do you?" Ren remembered seeing the dead sheep before she'd decided to stay in the loop.

"Have you seen anyone with white eyes?" Jake shook his head. Everyone looked to Miss Peregrine. "I'm sorry, children. We can't stay here." Enoch dropped his arms, his hand lightly brushing against Ren's. "What?" he asked and his mouth dropped open in disbelief. "We will leave on the first ferry off the island tomorrow. Pack anything of importance. Then it's sandwiches and early to bed."

"When will we come back?" Ren glanced at Hugh sadly as Enoch answered, "Never. If Miss Peregrine's not here to reset the loop tomorrow night, the house gets bombed." Claire started to cry a little. Miss Avocet tried to reassure her, but the little one wasn't having it. She ran over to Ren and threw herself into the teenagers arms. "Shh," Ren cooed, trying to console her, "Come on. We can help each other pack." Claire tightened her grip on Ren and nodded slightly. Ren kissed the girl's temple and carried her upstairs. On the way she passed Enoch. Her eyes met his and she winked, just trying to lighten the mood a little. Enoch did his best to smile, if only to reassure Claire.

Ren and Claire packed their bags as quickly as possible. Before they could all head downstairs, they heard a voice calling out to them. "Children. Come down here please." Ren felt a shiver run down her spine. She, along with all the other children, rounded the corner on the stairs and stopped short. Barron was there, his hand transformed into a knife at Jake's throat.

"Come down, children," he said again. Before they could even take a step, Miss Peregrine held up her hand. "No one orders my children around." She turned to face the children. "Children, Mr. Barron wants me to go with him, in bird form, preferably caged for his safety. Then he wishes you to lock yourselves in a room, probably the parlor. Isn't that right, Mr. Barron?" The Wight looked confused and the children all looked shocked when Miss Peregrine ushered them into the parlor.

Ren stopped in front of Miss Peregrine and hugged her. "Thank you for everything, Miss Peregrine," she whispered. "You are very welcome, Ren." Ren moved to step into the parlor, but Barron's voice stopped her. "Ren. Now I seem to recall that name." Ren glanced at Jake who mouthed, "Dr. Golan." Ren's eyes went wide. She quickly ran into the parlor. "It has been my honor to protect you all," Miss Peregrine said before she shut and locked the door.

Ren turned to face everyone as the door opened again. Jake was shoved inside by Barron. "I grabbed the wrong peculiar," he said, grabbing Ren's arm and pulling her from the room. The voices of all the children called out in protest, but none as loudly as Enoch's. Ren's heart broke when she heard his voice rise above the others, even Jake's. "REN!"    

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