Goodnight (Hello, Jake)

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Enoch took Ren's hand and pulled her after him. She giggled again at the fact that even though he was over one hundred years old, he could still behave like a hormonal teenager. The two teens were separated briefly as another dark haired teen came barreling through. "Jake?" Ren asked with wide eyes. Enoch's arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her close to him again.

"Emma did say you were a bit possessive," Ren teased, kissing his cheek and turning back to Jake. "Hey, Ren. Where's Emma?" Ren smirked and Enoch directed him to where Emma was. Once Jake was out of sight, Ren turned back to Enoch. "Now, where were we?" Enoch gave her a little squeeze and continued his trek down toward the room he had claimed as his own.

Enoch practically slammed the door closed behind him. It had barely shut before his lips were on Ren's again. Ren giggled into the kiss. She knew, after so long being trapped with a bunch of kids younger than him and one girl that he wasn't interested in, the need for physical affection was almost desperate for him. "What?" he asked, pulling away panting. Ren shook her head. "You're moving awfully fast for someone born in the 1800s." Enoch glared playfully at her and squeezed her sides.

Ren let out a little shriek. She never expected Enoch to be so playful. She laughed until there were tears in her eyes. "S-Stop, please, Enoch," she cried through the laughter. Enoch's fingers stopped moving and his smile was blinding. "Give up, love?" Ren nodded. She leaned up to kiss him again. She had to admit that she loved the feeling of his lips on hers.

When they parted again, Enoch pulled Ren down onto the bed. She rested her head on his chest. "I l-love you, Ren," he whispered, unsure of whether or not she wanted to hear it. Ren gazed up at him. "I love you too, Enoch. I really do." Enoch couldn't wipe that smile off his face. In all his years in the loop, he didn't expect to meet someone who loved him that he loved back.

As they laid there, Ren felt her eyes getting heavier and soon, she was asleep. Enoch pressed a kiss to her forehead and closed his eyes. He loved having her with him like that. Both of them so vulnerable and quiet. He sighed and snuggled closer to her.

They were both woken up by a small cry of Ren's name. Enoch woke first and saw Claire. Her eyes were watery. Enoch gently shook Ren's shoulders. Ren's eyes opened and she glanced over her shoulder at the little girl. "What is it, Claire? Nightmare?" Claire nodded. Ren and Enoch exchanged a glance.

At Enoch's nod, Ren sat up and turned to Claire. "Come on." Claire smiled and climbed eagerly in between Ren and Enoch. The three wiggled down a little bit to get comfortable. "Tell your back mouth not to drool on us. Alright, Claire?" Enoch demanded. Claire giggled a little and nodded. "It won't." Claire turned to snuggled into Ren's chest and she fell back asleep almost immediately.

Ren and Enoch found it difficult to go back to sleep. "Do you think Miss Peregrine will be well enough to create another loop soon? I don't want your age to catch up to you." Enoch shrugged a little. "I hope so. What if she doesn't?" Ren smiled. "Then we will have to work with what we've got. No matter what, as long as we all stay together, we'll be okay. Do you care where we go?" Enoch carefully leaned over Claire and pressed a kiss to Ren's lips. "As long as I'm with you, I don't care where we end up."

Ren smiled, but soon she drifted off to sleep again. Enoch turned on his other side and felt something poking his leg. Furrowing his brow, he rolled again and stuck his hand in his pocket. He smiled when he realized what it was. He pulled it out. It was the flower Ren had brought back. The one he'd told her to use to prove her peculiarity. It was crumpled and some of the petals were falling off, but it was still alive. He held it up and the moonlight shone through the porthole, illuminating the flower. For Enoch, that preserved flower would serve as a reminder for the rest of his days, no matter how many there were, that he was capable of love. 

(a/n: I'm debating on whether or not that should be the end of the story...)

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