Meeting Enoch

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Ren felt something strange the further into the cave they walked. Then, they exited the the exact same place they entered. Except it wasn't. "I knew it! You're peculiar too!" Jake cried excitedly. Ren arched a brow. "Gee, thanks, cuz," she muttered. "He means you have a peculiarity like the rest of us. Otherwise you wouldn't have been able to come into the loop. What's your peculiarity?" Millard asked, his excited pitch matching Jake's. Ren cleared her throat. "You know, as weird as this is to say, I would feel much better talking to you if you put on some clothes. If only so I could have some idea as to where you are."

"Right. Sorry about that. I left them in the cart. We should probably get going. The bird probably realized I'm gone by now." Ren just hummed, unsure of what to do other than to follow her cousin and the invisible boy. "You know, you're reacting a lot better than Jake did when found out about us. He concussed himself." Ren snorted out a laugh. "You did what?" Jake flushed and Ren laughed louder. "Oh, that's fantastic!"

"Shut up," Jake muttered. "Okay...for now. Where are we going?" Millard had put his clothes on and took the reins. "To our home, of course! The bird's been dying to meet you since Jake mentioned you at dinner yesterday, or" Ren gave him a look of confusion. "Miss Peregrine will explain everything, Ren." She glared at Jake. She hated being left in the dark.

In no time, the cart pulled up to a rather large house. It was practically a mansion. "Whoa," Ren breathed out as Millard pulled the cart to a stop. "Come on then. I'll be late for my game with Hugh." Ren climbed down and let her gaze wander over the vast place. Her eyes settled on a window where a curtain was open. She could vaguely make out the figure of a boy in the window. The boy seemed to watching her because the minute her eyes stopped on him, the curtain closed.

As the three approached the door, it opened. A stern looking woman stood in the doorway, her pale skin a sharp contrast to her bluish-black hair. "Millard, I specifically told Jake to retrieve his cousin. Polite persons do not disregard their guardians. Inside." She turned to Ren. "You're right on time, Ren. Alma Peregrine. It is a pleasure to meet you. Come inside for a cup of tea." Ren looked at Jake, who nodded. "Um, thank you." Ren licked her lips and followed the stern woman inside.

A whistling echoed through the kitchen as Ren and Miss Peregrine stepped inside. "That's enough, Olive." Ren was pleased to see another redhead standing by the stove, her hands on the kettle. "Hello, Ren. I'm Olive. Give me a moment to put my gloves back on and I'll shake your hand." Ren gave her a small smile.

"Oh look, more new friends," a sarcastic voice came from behind Ren. She turned to see a tall boy with curly, dark brown hair. He had eyes the color of melted chocolate that nearly made Ren melt. She'd always loved eyes like his. They were a weakness of hers. However, the vibe he was giving her wasn't. "Won't you join us, Enoch?" Olive asked, her tone chipper, like she was trying a little too hard. "She likes him," Ren thought to herself and smiled. She thought they'd make a cute couple.

"As I said before, wouldn't want to ruin your tea party," he replied, turning away and collecting a couple of jars from the cabinet behind him. Ren couldn't help but be curious. The boy turned around again and glared at Ren before walking off. "That's Enoch. He's always like that," Olive chirped. She then left to follow Enoch. Miss Peregrine lead Ren outside.

"Miss Peregrine? Jake said I was in some kind of time loop?" Ren finally asked, her curiosity finally getting the better of her. Miss Peregrine smiled. "Why, yes you are. I'm an Ymbryne. We can manipulate time. We can preserve the last 24 hours. Reset time over and over and a loop is formed." Ren nodded. "So, it's been 1943 here for the past 73 years?" Miss Peregrine nodded. "Bright girl. Shall I introduce you to the other children?" Ren agreed readily.

"There are the twins, and this is Claire." Ren grinned at the three small children in front of her. Claire was probably the cutest child she'd ever seen. "Hello." The three giggled and ran off. Next, Miss Peregrine introduced Ren to Fiona and Bronwyn. As the two walked away, Ren asked about Bronwyn's brother. Miss Peregrine told her that Victor was upstairs, but Ren could sense that she was hiding something.

"Millard you've met and that's Hugh." The two boys playing soccer greeted Ren. "Horace Somnusson," another boy greeted, coming up to shake Ren's hand. He was impeccably dressed. "And then there's Emma." Ren looked up to see Jake over with a pretty blonde. His face was red and Ren bit back a chuckle. Romance seemed to blossom in this loop. "Now, I must leave you. Jake will wish to join us for supper. You are more than welcome to as well. I shall inform Olive and see if she can find you something suitable to wear." With that, Miss Peregrine left.

"Ren! Come play with us!" Millard called. Ren laughed and joined in the soccer game until it was time to go inside to change for dinner. Olive was waiting for her when she set foot inside. "Miss Peregrine asked me to find you something to wear. We appear to be about the same size. But first, come meet Enoch properly." Ren was amused by the girl's enthusiasm.

Ren let Olive lead her to yet another room in the house. The room was slightly darker than the rest of the house and had shelves everywhere. Upon closer inspection, Ren could see the shelves were lined with jars of hearts. Ren stepped closer to the work table in front of the brooding boy. He wasn't looking at her. "Hello, Enoch. It's nice to meet you." Enoch finally raised his head. "Is it now?"

Ren was done for. Scottish accent on top of those eyes, that were beautiful despite the dark circles around them? Oh, she was positive he was the most beautiful young man she'd ever seen. "Well, I think so, but I guess it's up to you whether or not it stays nice," she replied smoothly, her gaze never wavering. Enoch smirked. "Who are you again?"

"Ren. I'm Jake's cousin." Enoch sat back, squinting as if trying to concentrate. Ren found herself wanting to know what he was thinking. "Well then, Ren, let me tell you something. You don't belong here. You have a life out there and I suggest you go back to it." And just like that, the attraction was gone. Ren forced herself to smile. "I suppose it's a good thing I'm only visiting, isn't it?" The tension in the room was nearly palpable as the two teen's were locked in a silent battle of the wills. It was going to be an interesting visit.    

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