Chapter 1: Fated Meeting

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"We don't meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our path for a reason." - Unknown

Yan Da's POV

The chase is on. Ka Suo and that envoy guardian of his couldn't have gone that far yet.

"Men search this forest thoroughly!" I ordered while scanning the area around me.

Damn it! If they got away my father would tell me to go back to the fire kingdom palace. I couldn't let that happen.

For years, I've been in that suffocating place. My father rarely lets me go out. All I did was train and face those irritating brothers of mine. Being a princess isn't that good at all especially if you're the only one and you're from my tribe. Father and my brothers always underestimate me. For them I am weak and helpless. Not fit to be a queen at all. That's why I'm going to prove them wrong. I will become the first queen of our kingdom. I will make sure of that.

"Princess Yan Da, I'm sorry but we couldn't find them." A soldier told me. My eye twitch. Already becoming irritated.

"What!? Look a- "I didn't finish talking when, suddenly, a big fireball burst out of nowhere.

"Follow it!" I ordered them.

The fireball led us into the river. Using my whip, I grab the figure I saw in the water. A man? Tsk. Looking that he isn't Prince Ka Suo I let him go and ordered my men to search in the water.

After a while...

"I'm sorry princess but they aren't in the water either. "They reported.

Urgh! This is so frustrating! I want to burn my soldiers but that wouldn't do me any good. I sighed.

"Let's go back to the camp." I told them. It's futile to continue the search. It seems like Ka Suo won this time.

Prince Kasuo, you may have gotten away this time but I will definitely see to it that there's no next time.

Just as I was about to leave. My eyes diverted back to the unconscious human. Should I just leave him? Observing him for a moment I decided to take him with me. I needed a servant anyway.

Yun Fei's POV

I was travelling when I felt my whole body heat up. It felt like someone was burning me from the inside out. The pain was unbearable that I lost consciousness. The last thing I remembered was being drag by something.

Back into Princess Yan da's camp...

Yan Da's POV

I'm still pissed about the failed search for Ka Suo and the that girl he's with. I had to think of something. I was about to go out again when my attention was caught again by the human. He was now lying on the rug. I crouched down.

Hmm. Now, looking at him closely he is pretty good looking for a human. Reaching out. I pinched his cheek. His skin is smooth and soft. He is really handsome. I don't know why but this person makes my heart beat faster for some reason.

I was about to look at him closer but his eyes suddenly opened. I was a bit surprised and embarrassed that I let go of his cheeks immediately.

I guess he was surprised too because he immediately stood up. His eyebrows were crunched in confusion. How adorable. I'll definitely make him stay by my side.

Yun Fei's POV:

I felt someone pinching my cheeks that was why I woke up. I opened my eyes to see who it was. A woman!? Who is she? I guess she was surprised to see me awake so she immediately let go of my left cheek. And I abruptly stood up so that I can get a more detailed look as to where I am.

"Hey, just now by the river did you see a man and a woman?" she asked.

I was in the river? I was busy figuring what happened and where I was that I tuned out the things she was saying and asking.

"Shh..." I told her, studying her. She's wearing an armor. Her hair has red and violet highlights. Her ears are elfish. Oh! She's a fire goddess. What's a fire goddess doing in human realm?

Uh. I think I stared at her too long because she started pouting. Cute.

"Are you done yet?" she asked in a bored voice.


"Answer my questions then."


Her face showed irritation.

"What are you doing in the water? Did you see a man and a woman? Why were you knocked out?"

I don't know. I guess I have to lie.

"I was bathing and yes I did see a man and woman running away. They were the ones who knocked me out."

"I see." She turned her back and went to the chair and sat down. "Tell me, what's your name?"

"I'm Yun Fei."

"Yun Fei. Well Yun Fei congratulations from now on you are going to be my personal servant."

"W- what!?Why should I?" I asked surprised by what she said.

"Because I said so. Until I decide that I don't need you anymore, you will serve me."

"I-," I bit my lip. Why is it that I always get myself into situations like this? But, remembering what happened to me a while ago... maybe I'll get some answers when I stay with her? It's decided then.

"Fine, I will become your servant."

She smiled beautifully when I said this, feeling my heart skip a beat. Stop, Yun Fei. She just made you her unwilling servant! You can't like her!

"May I know your name then?" I asked, trying to ignore the fast beating of my heart.

"It's Yan Da. And you can call me Princess Yan Da or your highness. It's getting late. Go to the tent next to this that will be your place. All the things you need are in there."

"Yes, your highness."

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