Chapter 5:Trust

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Yun Fei's POV

I could feel my heart still beating erratically. Honestly, I thought I was going to be caught. A while ago, I executed Princess Yan Da's order. To poison the bride .

I sighed, feeling a bit guilty. The woman looked really pitiful. She was crying her eyes out, knowing that the groom had ran away.

Removing my disguise, I quickly returned to Yan Da's side.

She smiled upon seeing me. "How did it go?"

"She drank it." I simply replied.

She smirked, playfully tracing the rim of her cup. "Then all we have to do is wait."

I nodded, avoiding her gaze.

"What's wrong?" She asked, noticing my uneasiness. I sighed, meeting her eyes.

"Did we really have to do that?"

"You disagree?" She said, standing up.


"Aa, Yun Fei. You're too innocent." She said grasping my chin. "You're really still young." Hearing that I frowned," You don't look that much older than me."

She laughed, tapping my chin. "We, immortals live longer than you mortals. I may look like this but I'm probably thirty years older than you."

"Old woman." I whispered in good humor. Hearing that, she pinched my cheek. "Say that again and I'll do much more than pinch your cheeks."

I chuckled, making her grin. She then let go of my cheek after a painful squeeze. I pouted, making her grin wider.

"Don't worry about the bride. If my plan won't work, I'll give her the cure before the poison kills her. The chief is the one I'm wary about. There's something about him."

My forehead creased, thinking about the chief of the healer tribe. Now, that she mentioned it. There's something weird about him indeed. Even his smile is quite creepy. "I'll watch out for him."

"Good. Now, how about you sit down and have a drink. We still have hours to waste." She said, sitting down again. I smiled, sitting on the chair in front of her.

Hours later...

Someone did come to inform us that we're being called by the chief. Yan Da smiled, signaling me to follow her. When we arrived at the throne room, we saw Prince Ka Suo, Li Luo, Prince Huang Tuo, the chief and the bride's younger sister, Luna. There were also a group of healer in the room.

I feel nervous but I schooled my features. Showing them an indifferent expression.

"So, why are we all here?" Princess Yan Da asked, looking at the group.

At her question, we all felt the ominous aura that Luna let out. "My sister has been poisoned and one of you here is the culprit."

She said, eyes roaming around. Studying all of us. I shivered. Her energy is overwhelming. Unconsciously, I went closer to Yan Da. I noticed that she's the only one unaffected by the toxin healer's dark aura. Even Prince Ka Suo looked uncomfortable.

"Hm, if it's really one of us then how will you find that person? Did you see that person clearly?" The princess asked, meeting Luna's gaze. Unafraid. Challenging her.

"No, I didn't see him clearly. However, there's one thing that people can't change." Luna answered, going near the healers first. "Their scent. And I clearly remember the scent of cherry blossom engraved deeply on that person's being."

She then started scenting the people. Princess Yan Da stood in front of me. Her hand is on her whip. Ready to defend anytime.

Going near us, Luna's eyes narrowed. "You." She growled, looking directly at us.

"It's not me." Princess Yan Da quickly said.

"It's not you but him." Luna returned, meeting my gaze. She's about to come near me but Yan Da blocked her.

"Heh, so you're blaming my servant based only on his scent. This is ridiculous."

Hearing that, Luna stopped. Glaring at me with hate. "Tell me. Why did you poison my sister? Who ordered you to?"

I gulped, meeting her gaze but not answering. She then raised her arm, attacking.

Suddenly, Prince Ka Suo's in front of her stopping her attack. "Luna calm down. I know that you're angry but it's not right to harm him until we know the whole truth."

"If he's in pain like my sister, then he will definitely confess! Let go of me!" she said but the Ice prince didn't let her go.

Suddenly, we all felt Princess Yan Da's energy rose. Our eyes widened, looking at her. She looked pissed. Irritated even.

Prince Huang Tuo was quickly on her side, touching her arm. "Eh Princess Yan Da, the fire tribe and the healers have always been at peace. There's no point in ruining our friendship for a servant. Since you said that he has nothing to do with it, could Your Highness allow me to keep him here with us as a guest for a few days?"

Yan Da smirked," Since you still care about our friendship, it would be petty of me to turn down your request. However, before this matter is fully investigated I won't let you off easily if you dare lay a finger on Yun Fei."

Huang Tuo smiled, nodding. "Sure. Guards, take him away."

Before they took me away, I subtly met Yan Da's gaze. She nodded.

Follow our plan, she silently conveyed through her eyes.

You can count on me, I returned. Letting the guards take me away.

"Trust is earned when actions meets words."

- Chris Butler

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