Chapter 10: Deal

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In the Real world...

"Your Highness, are you sure about this? You know that Princess Yan Da will be furious once she wakes up." Elder Xun Hao stated worriedly.

Xing Jiu sighed. "It's not like I have a choice. Xing Gui's safety is at risk."

"Wouldn't it be better to ask Princess Yan Da for help? You know that she won't disagree."

"That's the problem. I know that Yan Da will most likely risk her own life to help me and save Xing Gui. I can't do that. I already took so much from her. Watch them. You know what to do when one of them accidentally wakes up." Xing Jiu said, leaving the room.

Back to the dream...

The trio discovered that every time that Xing Gui dies. The dream starts all over again no matter what they do. Yun Fei was getting suspicious though. Something doesn't really sit right with him. So, when the murderer was about to kill Princess Xing Gui again. He blocked it with his body. Killing him instantly.

"SHI!" Ka Suo yelled in horror. Quickly, going to his brother's side. Li Luo used her gun to kill the murderer then.


Shi slowly opened his eyes making sure that no one is around. Standing up, he saw that Xing Jiu wasn't in his seat anymore.

I knew it! But why? Why go so much for this trouble? I thought the dream tribe is one of the loyal allies of the Ice tribe. Should I take Yan Da and leave? No. Xing Jiu is the only one who can wake her up and the ice leaf too...

Making his decision, he hid himself. Waiting patiently for the King of the Dream tribe.

An hour later, he felt the air shift. He then saw Xing Jiu entered the throne room. Seeing that Yun Fei wasn't on his seat, the king quickly looked around.

"Looking for me?" Yun Fei said from behind him.

"How are you awake?" Xing Jiu asked, facing him.

Yun Fei smirked. "I always had bad dreams when I was a child. I learned that the most effective way to wake up from them is either getting a serious injury or dying in the dream."

"You tried to save, Xing Gui?"

"That's one way of looking at it. So, tell me. Why is the king of dream tribe, who is said to be a loyal ally of the ice tribe, lied to lure the ice prince in an endless loop of dreams?"

"It's none of your business." Xing Jiu answered firmly.

Yun Fei smirked mockingly. "I disagree. You made it my business when you involved Yan Da in all of these."

Xing Jiu's forehead creased. "What's your relationship with her?"

"Now, that is none of your business." Yun Fei replied. "Are you going to tell me what's really going on?"

"What makes you think that I'll tell you?"

"Hm, let's see. Because you don't want your plan to be ruined and for these kingdom of yours to be destroyed into ashes. Yan Da maybe fond of you but I'm sure that her brother and father won't be merciful."

Xing Jiu sighed. "Fine." The king then told him everything.

"And you believe the fire king?" Yun Fei stated after.

"What do you mean?"

"For something as powerful as that, you really believe that he'll give it to you willingly even if he has it. The fire king is clearly lying. In fact, he wouldn't need your help at all."

Xing Jiu became silent, pondering. Not long, he faced Yun Fei who was calmly looking outside.

"You're right," he then said, sighing. Letting out a sad smile. "I'm a fool."

"No need to blame yourself. You were just being an older brother," Yun Fei said. "I'll help you. Only if... you'll give the ice crystal to me and wake up Yan Da after we executed our plan."

"You have a deal."

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