Chapter 17 : Plans

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Ka Suo and Li Luo are with the other tribe leaders. They all agreed to meet in the Spirit tribe.

"It's too peaceful for the past days. Don't you guys think?" Xing Jiu asked, frowning. "The fire tribe should have done something by now especially at what happened in the bear tribe."

"That's probably because of the fire princess on -coming wedding." The mermaid saint said, getting the other's attention.


The bear king's forehead creased." Ah, I remember my people said that when the fire tribe was in there. A competition was held for the fire princess's hand in marriage."

"The groom is one of your people?" Ka Suo asked.

"No. They said that Hei Feng was supposed to marry her but her manservant interfered, challenging him. What's his name again....?"

"Yun Fei?" Li Luo said.

"Yes, that boy." Liao Jian confirmed." He won the fight. But I never thought that King Huo Yi will agree to their engagement..."

Ka Suo frowned. "I wonder if he knows..."

"Know what prince Ka Suo?" Huang Tuo asked.

"I guess this is the best time to tell you. Yun Fei, Princess Yan Da's former manservant, is my long lost younger brother- Ying Kong Shi."

The other leaders gasped. "What!?"

"Are you sure, Prince Ka Suo?"

"Yes, Grandmother Feng Tian already tested him."

The others then became silent. Thinking about the revelation and its implications.

Three days later...

Yun Fei and Yan Da did get married. The other tribes weren't invited though. It was a very private one.

At the same day, Yun Fei was crowned as a prince of the fire tribe.

After the wedding...

In the newlywed's room.

"What?" Yun Fei asked at his wife who was giving him a once over again.

"You look really good. Red suits you." she said, grinning. (Imagine Li Tian Ji)

Yun Fei smiled. "And you look really beautiful." He said, reaching for her hand and pulling her close to him. He then lifted his hand, cupping her face. Softly, caressing her cheek.

Yan Da smiled, meeting his soften gaze. She then closed the gap between them, kissing him softly.

Yun Fei returned the kiss, deepening it. Yan Da moaned, giving him entry. He didn't hesitate. He dived in and explored her. Moaning at her taste.

Out of breath, the two separated for a while.

"I love you," Yun Fei said, looking into her eyes.

Yan Da smiled. "I love you too."



Yun Fei is currently peppering Yan Da's shoulder with soft kisses, waking her up.

Yan Da chuckled, facing her husband. "Good morning."

"Morning." Yun Fei said, leaning in and kissing her. Yan Da smiled, returning the kiss.

After a while...

The two are now ready. They're going to the mortal realm to "unwind". Her father gave them a week to enjoy themselves. The two agreed and thank him.

In reality though, "their vacation/ honeymoon" is their cover up. They know King Flame's plans and they will not let it succeed.

Before the day of their wedding, Yan Da told Yun Fei everything. The things that she really wanted. Yun Fei listened to her attentively, making plans here and there.

With Ka Suo and the others...

The Ice prince was currently unconscious. Flame had done injured him severely when he had attacked them at the mermaid palace.

Lan Shang and Li Luo were outside and talking with Huang Tuo.

The mermaid princess looked like she was about to cry again of what she's hearing. "Is there no really other way to save him?"

Huang Tuo shook his head, feeling helpless. Li Luo looked like she was about to cry too.

"I guess we came at the right time," they then heard at the entrance of the mermaid castle.

Quickly, looking in there. The trio saw Yan Da and Yun Fei who were looking at them directly.

"What are you doing here!?" Lan Shang asked. The fire princess just smirked, walking towards them.

"Where's Ka Suo?"

"Why? What do you want with him?" Li luo asked, taking a defensive stance. Yan Da ignored her, looking at room behind them.

"So, he's in there." She said about to enter but Huang Tuo blocked her.

Yan Da rolled her eyes. "Do you want to save him or not?"

"Y-you can save him?" the mermaid princess repeated.

"Yes. So, let me in. We're wasting time in here." She said, meeting the healer's hesitant gaze. "Don't worry. I won't kill him. After all, he's my brother- in – law."

Taking advantage of their stunned form, Yan Da quickly went inside the room. She then uncorked the bottle she's holding, pouring it on the prince's mouth.

Ka Suo gasped, opening his eyes. 

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