1. La.

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" When I met him, he gave off this mysterious vibe," Jungkook told his best friend as he laid down beside the other.

His body shuddered with the thoughts that went through his mind as he laid down. His friend didn't open his mouth at all since he had asked him that longing question. That question that brought them to this moment right here 'what makes Yoongi so special to you to make you do stupid things?'. That question had Jungkook wondering the same thing for a couple of minutes.

What was he to say to that shit?

Was he supposed to lie about why he did the things?

So he settled with those words and left the questions answer to linger in the warm air that surrounded them in the dark room. He had yet to close his eyes as he stared up to the ceiling.

His friends breathing was still not steady, he could tell he wasn't sleep at all. He knew he wanted him to continue with what he meant.

So Jungkook sighed to himself and let his fingers come together on his mid stomach and fiddle with the other as he continued his answer.

"When I first met him... he wasn't that interesting.... he was boring to me," he confused himself as he let the truth seep through is pink lips, "I had Biology and English with him and to tell you the truth: I hate his guts."

His friend snorted at the words from him, knowing Jungkook said the words with so much passion. So much anger that it could come off as hate ready to kill. Jungkook rarely said hate if he didn't honestly mean it. His friend stay still and hadn't moved a muscle at all, not trying to trigger Jungkook to stop talking when he had just started.

"I just couldn't stand him. He walked around with his head down and stayed to himself and when we would be in class, he sat in the back. But that wasn't the reason as to why I didn't like him. None of that was it, it was the fact that he treated everyone like they were beneath him. Like we were nothing but insects for him to step on and he would blame us for even being there to have that faith."

Jungkook let his voice rest for a moment, his mind had started wrestling with the thoughts a high school Yoongi that he couldn't contain all his emotions.

"Let me say that I was great at everything in school but English. I hated everything that dealt with the subject. Anything else was good but it was just that, that shit was my downfall. And everyone seemed to pick on that, even my brother teased me for it while my parents turned there head in shame for that one damn subject. It was hurtful and his ass,... Yoongi was the one that set my anger off."

He let his hands move down to his sides as he talked about his old found hatred on the other male. His friend turned his head to him, just staring at him with a content mind, he just let the boy talk.

"He barely talked at all but it was like he was laughing and mocking me every time my dumbass teacher pointed the finger to me and asked me if I knew the meaning of the shit knowing I had failed the test on it the day before. He picked me most of all and told me and my parents that it was to 'help' me when it was to embarrass me in front of everyone. I had seen his shaking with laughter as the teacher would embarrass me and he would look me dead in the eyes with the humor in his eyes. What was so fucking funny about being dumb? What was so funny to the bitch that doesn't speak at all and tried to be discreet when they stick out like a sore thumb? He had no right, just like everyone else didn't, but him especially because when he did talk to anyone it was with that ' I am better than you attitude'. Fuck that shit, I came up to him a one day and said the shit I felt."


"Yoongi," a young Jungkook shouted loud as he followed the male out of the class.

Yoongi continued to walk away with his bag hanging off his shoulders and his head mainly down. Jungkook was walking quickly behind him with anger fueling him up and his pride at its fullest level.

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