5. Da.

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"So did anyone find out about you both doing that shit," Jimin asked as he let his body rest on the wall that was behind him.

"No. We got away with it all," Jungkook smiles as he rolled over to half onto Jimin's lap.

"You ugly fuck, you too happy about doing sneaky shit with Yoongi," Jimin said as he watched his friend act differently just because of that one special person.

"I mean," Jungkook tried to turn his face neutral, "I wasn't always like this."

"Shit it get worse?"

Jungkook rolled his eyes, "Well we got together then but we, like most couples after high school, separated for a while once we graduated. Remember I met you at Alcoomme and Yoongi wasn't there? He decided to go and work at the business his parents held so he can make his money that he promised them he would do. I was the last to know of his decision and I felt hurt and fucking pissed."

"Damn so that's why you called me a bastard when you first met me? Cause you were mad?"

"No, I just didn't like you cause Taehyung said you were his friend. I got jealous."

Jimin gave a look to Jungkook. Feeling the itch in his hand to slap him in the face. He felt Jungkook laugh as he laid his head back down onto Jimin once more.

"Anyways asshole, so y'all broke up once you graduated and what happened next?"

"Well we didn't break up technically."

Jimin gave a confused look down to Jungkook, " What-."

" Even though I said I wanted to spilt he said no to my words. He still to this day will always say that we didn't break up so just go with it."


"What's up," Yoongi asked as he laid beside Jungkook's body in his queen size bed.

Jungkook turn his body so he he could look up to him in his face. He watched how prefect Yoongi looked from this angle, tan skin, relaxed expression. He stayed quiet as he stared up at the older male, Yoongi finally let his dark eyes glance down to look at Jungkook fully.

"I think that we should take a break."

His words felt wrong leaving his mouth, rolling off his tongue slow; they felt heavy. It felt bitter to the taste and it felt like it was more lethal coming out than he wanted even if he said it lowly.

He waited for Yoongi's reaction but the male above him never moved to show he even heard or acknowledged his words that took him forever to say.

His eyes were still casted down onto him and they didn't seem to show change in action or any features. He still seemed neutral as if the words were never said, let Jungkook said nothing at all.

"Yoongi did you-"

"No," Yoongi said simply as he rolled over, letting his arms move from around his boyfriend's body to face away from him. He let his body lay completely down.

Jungkook looked at the male next to him as confusion mainly set in his mind. He remained staring at him wondering what was the no to. Was it to him hearing what he said or was it to answer him? Jungkook just laid there staring hard into the semi muscled back of his lover.


Nothing but slow even breathing coming from his boyfriend.


"What," he asked as he pushed his head further into his black pillow.

"I think we need to take a-"

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